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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

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Wednesday - January 20, 2016

From: Amarillo, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Plant Identification, Trees
Title: Wanting to grow a Buckley Oak in Amarillo, TX
Answered by: Jimmy Mills


I live in Amarillo Texas in the Texas Panhandle. I recently became interested in the Buckley Oak and was wondering if it might grow well here and if so, where I might find one that I could purchase and have shipped to my home. I'm also confused about the Texas Red Oak and the Buckley Oak, are they the same tree? Thanks


The Buckley Oak Quercus buckleyi (Texas red oak),  also called Texas Red Oak, Spanish Oak, Spotted Oak, and Rock Oak, is described as a small to medium tree. It is a highly regarded ornamental and shade tree, and has vivid orange and red leaves in the autumn.

If you check the distribution map for the species , you will find that it does not naturally occur in Potter County, but does occur in Lamb County. So you may surmise that Amarillo might not be a good home for a Buckley Oak.

Quercus buckleyi was formerly known as  Quercus texana (Nuttall oak) but under botanical rules of priority, that name properly refers to Nuttall’s Oak. This has led to much confusion. (see link) . However, Quercus texana  does not naturally occur in Potter County either.

I suggest that you might contact the Amarillo Chapter of The Texas Native Plant Society for suggestions for a tree in your location.

Once you've decided on a tree, chcecking with our Suppliers Directory may help you find a nursery that sells the plant.


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