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Thursday - October 01, 2015

From: Lubbock, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Seed and Plant Sources, Seeds and Seeding, Herbs/Forbs
Title: Sources for Eustoma exaltatum (Texas bluebells)
Answered by: Nan Hampton


Could you list sources for seeds for eustoma (texas bluebells)?


The species page for Eustoma exaltatum ssp. russellianum (Texas bluebells) has extensive propagation information for the species.  The page also says that seeds are available at Native American Seed in Junction, Texas.  Unfortunately, this species no longer occurs in their online catalog.  It might be worthwhile, however, to contact them to see if they might have some seeds.

You can also check our National Suppliers Directory to find native seed companies in your area that might carry them by searching on Lubbock, Texas.  I did this and did not have a great deal of success, but I checked only the seed companies and nurseries that had webpages.  I found the following:

  • Plants of the Southwest in New Mexico listed Eustoma grandiflorum seeds for sale.  Eustoma grandiflorum and Eustoma russellianium are synonyms for Eustoma exaltatum ssp. russellianum.  
  • Wichita Valley in Wichita Falls, Texas lists Eustoma grandiflora for sale but it appears to be plants, not seeds.

There are more seed companies and nurseries in your general area that don't list webpages, but do have telephone numbers.  It doesn't look as if it is going to be an easy task to find seeds.  If you were near Austin for our fall plant sale (Friday, October 9 through Sunday, October 11), you would probably be able to buy small plants then.  They are on the list for the plant sale.

You might try contacting the South Plains–Lubbock Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) to see if they have any leads in your area.  The Amarillo Chapter is another possibility.


From the Image Gallery

Texas bluebells
Eustoma exaltatum ssp. russellianum

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