Special Value to Native Bees

Recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large numbers of native bees. This information was provided by the Pollinator Program at The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.

Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Abronia villosa Desert Sand Verbena, Desert Sand-verbena, Desert Sandverbena Annual Herb Sun Dry
Abronia villosa var. villosa Desert Sand Verbena, Sand Verbena Annual Herb
Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf Maple, Big-leaf Maple Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Acer rubrum Red Maple, Scarlet Maple, Soft Maple Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow, Western Yarrow, Yarrow, Milfoil Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Adenostoma fasciculatum Chamise, Common Chamise, Greasewood Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Agastache foeniculum Blue Giant Hyssop, Blue Giant-hyssop, Fragrant Giant Hyssop, Lavender Hyssop, Anise Hyssop Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Agastache nepetoides Yellow Giant Hyssop Perennial Subshrub Sun, Part-shade
Agastache scrophulariifolia Purple Giant Hyssop, Purple Giant-hyssop Perennial Herb Sun, Shade Moist
Agastache urticifolia Nettleleaf Giant Hyssop, Nettle-leaf Horsemint Perennial Subshrub Part-shade
Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon Serviceberry, Western Serviceberry, Juneberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Amelanchier alnifolia var. semiintegrifolia Pacific Serviceberry, Saskatoon Serviceberry Perennial Tree
Amelanchier arborea Common Serviceberry, Downy Serviceberry, Shadbush, Juneberry, Junebush, Shadblow, Sarvis Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Amelanchier arborea var. arborea Common Serviceberry, Shadbush, Junebush Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Amelanchier bartramiana Oblongfruit Serviceberry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Amelanchier canadensis Canadian Serviceberry, Canadian Service-berry, Shadblow Serviceberry, Juneberry, Shadbush, Junebush Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Amelanchier humilis Low Serviceberry, Low Shadblow Perennial Shrub
Amelanchier interior Inland Serviceberry, Inland Juneberry, Inland Sarvisberry, Inland Amelanchier, Inland Shadbush, Wiegand's Serviceberry, Wiegand's Juneberry, Wiegand's Sarviceberry, Wiegand's Amelanchier, Wiegand's Shadbush Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Amelanchier laevis Allegheny Serviceberry, Allegheny Service-berry, Serviceberry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Amelanchier obovalis Coastal Serviceberry, Coastal Service-berry, Shadbush, Coastal Juneberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Amelanchier sanguinea Roundleaf Serviceberry, Red-twig Serviceberry Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Amelanchier sanguinea var. gaspensis Gaspe Serviceberry Perennial Tree
Amelanchier sanguinea var. sanguinea Roundleaf Serviceberry Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Amelanchier stolonifera Running Serviceberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Amelanchier utahensis Utah Serviceberry Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Amelanchier ×intermedia Intermediate Serviceberry, Intermediate Shadbush Perennial Tree
Amelanchier ×neglecta Neglected Serviceberry , Hybrid Juneberry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade
Amelanchier ×quinti-martii Quint-mart's Serviceberry Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Amorpha canescens Leadplant, Leadplant Amorpha, Prairie Shoestring Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Amorpha fruticosa Indigo Bush, False Indigo Bush, False Indigo, Desert False Indigo Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist
Amorpha herbacea Clusterspike False Indigo, Cluster-spike Indigobush Perennial Shrub
Amorpha nana Dwarf False Indigo, Fragrant Indigo-bush, Fragrant False Indigo, Dwarf Wild Indigo Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Amorpha roemeriana Roemer's False Indigo Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist, Dry
Arctostaphylos densiflora Vine Hill Manzanita Perennial Subshrub, Shrub Sun, Part-shade
Arctostaphylos edmundsii Little Sur Manzanita Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastwood's Manzanita Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Arctostaphylos glauca Bigberry Manzanita, Blue Manzanita Perennial Shrub, Tree
Arctostaphylos hookeri Hooker's Manzanita, Monterey Manzanita Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Arctostaphylos manzanita Whiteleaf Manzanita, Big Manzanita, Manzanita Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Arctostaphylos nevadensis Pinemat Manzanita Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Arctostaphylos pajaroensis Pajaro Manzanita Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade
Arctostaphylos patula Greenleaf Manzanita, Green-leaf Manzanita Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick, Red Bearberry, Kinnikinnik Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Artemisia frigida Prairie Sagewort, Prairie Sagebrush, Fringed Sage, Pasture Sage Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Asclepias albicans Whitestem Milkweed, White-stemmed Milkweed Perennial Subshrub
Asclepias amplexicaulis Clasping Milkweed, Bluntleaf Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias arenaria Sand Milkweed, Western Sand Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias asperula Antelope-horns, Spider Milkweed, Green-flowered Milkweed, Spider Antelope-horns, Antelope Horns Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu Antelope-horns, Antelope Horns, Antelope Horns Milkweed Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Asclepias brachystephana Bract Milkweed, Desert-rose Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias californica California Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias cryptoceras Pallid Milkweed, Humboldt Mountain Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias engelmanniana Engelmann's Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias eriocarpa Woollypod Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun
Asclepias exaltata Poke Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Asclepias fascicularis Mexican Whorled Milkweed, Narrowleaf Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Asclepias hirtella Green Milkweed, Tall Green Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias humistrata Pinewoods Milkweed, Sandhill Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata Swamp Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchra Swamp Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Asclepias lanceolata Fewflower Milkweed, Few-flower Milkweed, Red Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Asclepias latifolia Broadleaf Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias linaria Pine-needle Milkweed, Needle-leaf Milkweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Asclepias linearis Slim Milkweed Perennial Subshrub
Asclepias longifolia Longleaf Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias michauxii Michaux's Milkweed Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Asclepias obovata Pineland Milkweed Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Asclepias oenotheroides Zizotes Milkweed, Hierba De Zizotes, Side-cluster Milkweed, Longhorn Milkweed, Primrose Milkweed, Lindheimer's Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias ovalifolia Oval-leaf Milkweed, Dwarf Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Asclepias perennis White Swamp Milkweed, Aquatic Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Asclepias purpurascens Purple Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias quadrifolia Fourleaf Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Asclepias rubra Red Milkweed, Tall Pink Bog Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Asclepias speciosa Showy Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Asclepias stenophylla Slimleaf Milkweed, Narrowleaf Milkweed, Narrowleaf Green Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias subulata Rush Milkweed, Desert Milkweed, Ajamete Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias subverticillata Horsetail Milkweed, Poison Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias sullivantii Prairie Milkweed, Sullivant's Milkweed, Smooth Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Asclepias texana Texas Milkweed, White Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias tomentosa Tuba Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias tuberosa Butterflyweed, Butterfly Weed, Butterfly Milkweed, Orange Milkweed, Pleurisy Root, Chigger Flower, Chiggerweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Asclepias variegata Redring Milkweed, White-flowered Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed, Eastern Whorled Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Asclepias viridiflora Green Comet Milkweed, Green-flowered Milkweed, Green Milkweed, Wand Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias viridis Green Milkweed, Spider Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Aster alpinus Alpine Aster Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Astragalus americanus American Milkvetch, American Milk-vetch, Rattlepod Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Astragalus canadensis Canadian Milkvetch, Canada Milkvetch, Milk Vetch Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Dry
Atriplex lentiformis Big Saltbush, Quailbush, Saltbush, Coastal Quail Bush Perennial Subshrub Sun Moist
Baccharis pilularis Coyotebrush, Chaparral Broom, Coyote Bush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Baccharis salicifolia Mule's Fat, Seep Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist
Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold, Showy Desert Marigold, Paper Daisy, Desert Baileya Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Balsamorhiza deltoidea Deltoid Balsamroot Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Balsamorhiza hookeri Hooker's Balsamroot, Hairy Balsamroot Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Balsamorhiza incana Hoary Balsamroot Perennial Herb
Balsamorhiza macrolepis California Balsamroot Perennial Herb
Balsamorhiza sagittata Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Arrow-leaf Balsamroot Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Baptisia alba White Wild Indigo, White Baptisia Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Baptisia alba var. macrophylla Largeleaf Wild Indigo, White Wild Indigo Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Baptisia australis Blue Wild Indigo, Wild Blue Indigo, Blue False Indigo Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Baptisia australis var. minor Blue Wild Indigo Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Baptisia bracteata Longbract Wild Indigo Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Baptisia bracteata var. laevicaulis Longbract Wild Indigo Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea Longbract Wild Indigo, Cream False Indigo, Plains Wild Indigo, Cream Wild Indigo, Large-bracted Wild Indigo Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Baptisia lanceolata Gopherweed, Pineland Baptisia Perennial Herb Sun
Baptisia nuttalliana Nuttall's Wild Indigo Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Baptisia sphaerocarpa Yellow Wild Indigo, Green Wild Indigo, Bush Pea, Yellow Wisteria Perennial Herb
Baptisia tinctoria Horseflyweed, Yellow Wild Indigo Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Bidens alba Common Beggarticks, Shepherd's Needles, Spanish Needles, Butterfly Needles, Hairy Beggarticks, Romerillo Annual Herb
Bidens alba var. radiata Romerillo Annual Herb
Bidens aristosa Bearded Beggarticks, Tickseed Sunflower Annual Herb Part-shade
Bidens beckii Beck's Watermarigold Perennial Herb
Bidens bigelovii Bigelow's Beggarticks Annual Herb
Bidens cernua Nodding Beggartick, Bur Marigold, Nodding Beggarticks, Nodding Bur Marigold, Nodding Burmarigold, Nodding Burr-marigold, Sticktight Annual Herb Part-shade Moist
Bidens connata Purplestem Beggarticks Annual Herb Part-shade
Bidens coronata Crowned Beggarticks Annual Herb
Bidens discoidea Small Beggarticks Annual Herb Part-shade
Bidens eatonii Eaton's Beggarticks Annual Herb
Bidens frondosa Devil's Beggartick, Spanish Needles Annual Herb Part-shade
Bidens heterodoxa Connecticut Beggarticks Annual Herb
Bidens hyperborea Estuary Beggarticks Annual Herb
Bidens hyperborea var. hyperborea Estuary Beggarticks Annual Herb
Bidens laevis Smooth Beggartick, Smooth Bidens, Smooth Bur Marigold, Larger Bur Marigold Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Bidens leptocephala Fewflower Beggarticks Annual Herb Sun Moist
Bidens vulgata Big Devils Beggartick Annual Herb
Blephilia ciliata Downy Pagoda-plant, Sunny Woodmint, Ohio Horsemint Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Dry
Calandrinia ciliata Fringed Redmaids, Redmaids Annual Herb
Callirhoe involucrata Winecup, Purple Poppy Mallow Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Camassia leichtlinii Large Camas, Leichtlin's Camas Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Camassia quamash Small Camas, Common Camass, Swamp Sego Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Campanulastrum americanum American Bellflower, Tall Bellflower Annual Herb Part-shade Moist
Castilleja affinis Coast Indian Paintbrush Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Ceanothus americanus New Jersey Tea, Redroot Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ceanothus arboreus Feltleaf Ceanothus, Feltleaf, Island Ceanothus, Island Mountain Lilac Perennial Shrub Sun
Ceanothus cordulatus Whitethorn Ceanothus, Mountain Whitethorn, Snow Bush Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Ceanothus cuneatus Buckbrush Perennial Shrub Sun
Ceanothus fendleri Fendler's Ceanothus, Fendler Ceanothus Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ceanothus gloriosus var. exaltatus Point Reyes Ceanothus, Glory Brush Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun, Part-shade
Ceanothus gloriosus var. gloriosus Point Reyes Ceanothus, Glory Mat Perennial Subshrub, Shrub Sun Dry
Ceanothus greggii Desert Ceanothus Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Ceanothus greggii var. vestitus Mojave Ceanothus, Desert Ceanothus Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Ceanothus griseus Carmel Ceanothus, Carmel Creeper, Yankee Point Ceanothus Perennial Shrub
Ceanothus hearstiorum Hearst Ranch Buckbrush Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Ceanothus herbaceus Prairie Redroot, Smaller Redroot, Small Redroot, Inland Ceanothus, Fuzzy Ceanothus, Jersey Tea, Redroot Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Ceanothus impressus Santa Barbara Ceanothus, Santa Barbara Buckbrush Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ceanothus integerrimus Deerbrush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade
Ceanothus leucodermis Chaparral Whitethorn, Jackbrush Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Ceanothus maritimus Maritime Ceanothus, Bluff California Lilac Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Ceanothus megacarpus Bigpod Ceanothus, Big-pod Buckbrush, Big-pod Ceanothus Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Ceanothus parvifolius Littleleaf Ceanothus Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Ceanothus purpureus Hollyleaf Ceanothus Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Ceanothus sanguineus Redstem Ceanothus, Oregon Tea-tree, Wild Lilac Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ceanothus spinosus Redheart, Greenbark Ceanothus, Red-heart Mountain Lilac Perennial Shrub
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Blueblossom, Bluebrush, Blue Blossom Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Ceanothus tomentosus Woolyleaf Ceanothus, Woolly-leaf Mountain Lilac, Ramona Lilac Perennial Shrub
Ceanothus velutinus Snowbrush, Snowbrush Ceanothus, Tobacco-brush, Mountain Balm, Buckbrush Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Centaurea americana American Basket-flower, American Star-thistle, Basket-flower, Star Thistle, Shaving Brush, Basket Flower Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Cephalanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush, Buttonbush, Button Willow, Honey Bells, Honeybells, Honey Balls, Honeyballs, Button-bush Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud, Redbud Perennial Tree Shade, Part-shade Moist
Cercis canadensis var. canadensis Eastern Redbud Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Cercis canadensis var. mexicana Mexican Redbud Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Cercis canadensis var. texensis Texas Redbud Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Cercis orbiculata California Redbud, Western Redbud, Arizona Redbud, Pata De Vaca Perennial Tree
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge Pea, Sleepingplant, Sensitive Plant Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculata Partridge Pea, Showy Partridge-pea, Beeflower Annual Herb Sun
Chamerion angustifolium Fireweed, Willow Herb, Great Willow Herb Perennial Herb
Chamerion latifolium Dwarf Fireweed, Broad-leaf Fireweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Cirsium arizonicum Arizona Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium brevistylum Clustered Thistle, Indian Thistle, Short-style Thistle Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb Sun
Cirsium canescens Prairie Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium cymosum Peregrine Thistle Perennial Herb
Cirsium discolor Field Thistle Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Cirsium drummondii Dwarf Thistle Perennial Herb Sun
Cirsium edule Edible Thistle Biennial Herb Sun Moist
Cirsium engelmannii Engelmann's Thistle Biennial, Perennial Herb
Cirsium flodmanii Flodman's Thistle Perennial Herb
Cirsium foliosum Elk Thistle Perennial Herb
Cirsium horridulum Bristle Thistle, Yellow Thistle, Horrid Thistle, Purple Thistle, Spiny Thistle, Bull Thistle Annual Herb
Cirsium mohavense Mojave Thistle Annual Herb Sun Moist
Cirsium muticum Swamp Thistle Biennial Herb Sun Moist
Cirsium neomexicanum New Mexico Thistle, Utah Thistle Biennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Cirsium occidentale Cobwebby Thistle Biennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Cirsium occidentale var. candidissimum Snowy Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium occidentale var. occidentale Cobwebby Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium ochrocentrum Yellowspine Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium peckii Steen Mountain Thistle, Ghost Thistle Perennial Herb Sun
Cirsium pitcheri Sand Dune Thistle Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Cirsium pumilum Pasture Thistle Perennial Herb
Cirsium scariosum Meadow Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium texanum Texas Thistle Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Cirsium turneri Cliff Thistle Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Cirsium undulatum Wavyleaf Thistle, Plumed Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium wheeleri Wheeler's Thistle Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Clarkia amoena Farewell To Spring, Farewell-to-spring, Herald-of-summer Annual Herb Part-shade
Clarkia biloba Twolobe Clarkia Annual Herb
Clarkia concinna Red Ribbons, Redribbons Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Clarkia cylindrica Speckled Clarkia Annual Herb
Clarkia dudleyana Dudley's Clarkia Annual Herb
Clarkia epilobioides Canyon Clarkia Annual Herb
Clarkia imbricata Vine Hill Clarkia Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade
Clarkia pulchella Deerhorn Clarkia, Beautiful Clarkia, Ragged Robin Clarkia, Ragged Robin, Pink Fairies Annual Herb Part-shade
Clarkia purpurea Winecup Clarkia Annual Herb
Clarkia rhomboidea Diamond Clarkia Annual Herb Sun Dry
Clarkia rubicunda Ruby Chalice Clarkia Annual Herb Sun
Clarkia speciosa Redspot Clarkia Annual Herb Sun
Clarkia unguiculata Elegant Clarkia, Elegant Fairyfan, Mountain Garland Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Clarkia williamsonii Fort Miller Clarkia Annual Herb
Clarkia xantiana Gunsight Clarkia, Xantus Clarkia Annual Herb
Claytonia virginica Virginia Springbeauty, Springbeauty Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Clematis lasiantha Pipestem Clematis, Pipestems, Chaparral Clematis Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Clematis ligusticifolia Western White Clematis, Virgin's Bower, Pepper Vine, Hierba De Chivo Perennial Vine Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Clethra alnifolia Coastal Pepperbush, Coastal Sweet Pepperbush, Coastal Sweet Pepper, Alderleaf Pepperbush, Alderleaf Clethra, Clethra, Summer Sweet Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Collinsia bartsiifolia White Blue Eyed Mary Annual Herb
Collinsia grandiflora Giant Blue Eyed Mary, Blue-lips Blue-eyed Mary, Blue Lips Annual Herb Part-shade Moist
Collinsia heterophylla Purple Chinese Houses, Harlequin Blue-eyed Mary, Chinese Houses Annual Herb Part-shade
Collinsia linearis Narrowleaf Blue Eyed Mary Annual Herb
Collinsia parviflora Maiden Blue Eyed Mary, Maiden Blue-eyed Mary Annual Herb Shade
Collinsia sparsiflora Spinster's Blue Eyed Mary Annual Herb
Collinsia tinctoria Sticky Chinese Houses Annual Herb
Collinsia torreyi Torrey's Blue Eyed Mary Annual Herb
Collinsia verna Spring Blue Eyed Mary, Spring Blue-eyed Mary Annual Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Conoclinium coelestinum Blue Mistflower, Wild Ageratum, Blue Boneset Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed, Sand Coreopsis Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Coreopsis palmata Stiff Tickseed, Stiff Coreopsis, Finger Coreopsis Perennial Herb Part-shade
Coreopsis tripteris Tall Tickseed, Tall Coreopsis Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Cornus drummondii Roughleaf Dogwood, Drummond's Dogwood, Rough-leaf Dogwood Perennial Tree Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood, Virginia Dogwood, Florida Dogwood, White Cornel, Arrowwood, American Boxwood, False Box, St. Peter's Crown, Corona De San Pedro Perennial Tree Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Cornus obliqua Silky Dogwood, Pale Dogwood, Swamp Dogwood, Kinnikinnik Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist
Cosmos parviflorus Southwestern Cosmos, Southwest Cosmos Annual Herb Sun Dry
Crataegus aestivalis Mayhaw, May Hawthorn Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Crataegus brainerdii Brainerd's Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Crataegus chrysocarpa Fireberry Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus chrysocarpa var. piperi Piper's Hawthorn, Columbia Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree
Crataegus crus-galli Cockspur Hawthorn, Cockspur Thorn, Newcastle Hawthorn, Newcastle Thorn, Hog Apple Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Crataegus dilatata Broadleaf Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus dodgei Dodge's Hawthorn, Dodge Hawthorn Perennial Tree
Crataegus douglasii Black Hawthorn Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus erythropoda Cerro Hawthorn Perennial Tree
Crataegus flabellata Fanleaf Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun Moist, Dry
Crataegus flava Yellowleaf Hawthorn, Yellow-leaf Hawthorn, Summer Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Crataegus greggiana Gregg's Hawthorn, Gregg Hawthorn Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Crataegus holmesiana Holmes' Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus intricata Copenhagen Hawthorn, Thicket Hawthorn, White Hawthorn, White Thorn, Scarlet Hawthorn, Scarlet Haw, Scarlet-fruited Hawthorn, Scarlet-fruited Haw Perennial Tree Moist, Dry
Crataegus jonesiae Miss Jones' Hawthorn Perennial Tree Moist, Dry
Crataegus macrosperma Bigfruit Hawthorn, Large-seeded Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus marshallii Parsley Hawthorn, Parsleyleaf Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Crataegus mollis Downy Hawthorn, White Thorn, Whitethorn, Scarlet Hawthorn, Scarlet Haw, Red Haw, Downy Thorn Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Crataegus opaca Mayhaw, Western Mayhaw, May Hawthorn, Riverflat Hawthorn, Applehaw, May Haw Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorn, Washington-thorn Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Crataegus pruinosa Waxyfruit Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus punctata Dotted Hawthorn, White Thorn, Dotted Haw Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Crataegus reverchonii Reverchon's Hawthorn, Reverchon Hawthorn Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Crataegus rivularis River Hawthorn Perennial Tree
Crataegus scabrida Rough Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun Moist, Dry
Crataegus spathulata Littlehip Hawthorn, Pasture Hawthorn, Smallfruit Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree
Crataegus submollis Quebec Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus suborbiculata Caughuawaga Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Crataegus succulenta Fleshy Hawthorn Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Crataegus sutherlandensis Sutherland Hawthorn, Spiny Sutherland Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree
Crataegus texana Texas Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree
Crataegus tracyi Tracy's Hawthorn, Tracy Hawthorn, Mountain Hawthorn Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Crataegus turnerorum Turner's Hawthorn Perennial Tree
Crataegus uniflora Dwarf Hawthorn, One-flowered Hawthorn Perennial Tree
Crataegus viridis Green Hawthorn, Southern Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Wet
Crataegus viridis var. desertorum Desert Hawthorn, Smooth Western Hawthorn, Green Hawthorn Perennial Tree
Crataegus ×rubrocarnea Hawthorn Perennial Tree Moist
Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa var. acanthocarpa Buckhorn Cholla, Staghorn Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Cylindropuntia bigelovii Teddybear Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida Jumping Cholla, Chain-fruit Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Cylindropuntia imbricata Tree Cholla, Walking Stick Cholla, Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Cylindropuntia imbricata var. argentea Tree Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun
Cylindropuntia imbricata var. imbricata Tree Cholla, Teddy-bear Cholla, Cholla, Cane Cactus, Walkingstick Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Cylindropuntia leptocaulis Tasajillo, Christmas Cactus, Pencil Cactus, Christmas Cholla, Desert Christmas Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Cylindropuntia spinosior Walkingstick Cactus, Cane Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Cylindropuntia tunicata Thistle Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Cylindropuntia whipplei Whipple Cholla, Whipple's Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Dalea aurea Golden Dalea, Golden Prairie Clover Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Dalea bicolor var. argyrea Silver Prairie Clover, Silver Dalea, Silver Bush Dalea Perennial Shrub Sun
Dalea candida White Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Dalea candida var. candida White Prairie Clover, White Prairie-clover Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Dalea compacta Compact Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea compacta var. pubescens Compact Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea emarginata Wedgeleaf Prairie Clover Annual Herb Sun Dry
Dalea enneandra Nine-anther Prairie Clover Perennial Herb Dry
Dalea feayi Feay's Prairie Clover, Globe-headed Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub
Dalea formosa Featherplume, Feather Dalea, Indigobush Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Dalea frutescens Black Dalea, Black Prairie Clover Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Dalea greggii Gregg Dalea, Gregg's Prairie Clover, Trailing Indigo Bush, Indigo Bush Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Dalea hallii Hall's Prairie Clover, Hall's Dalea Perennial Shrub
Dalea jamesii James's Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub
Dalea lachnostachys Glandleaf Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea lanata Woolly Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea lasiathera Purple Dalea Perennial Shrub Sun
Dalea multiflora Roundhead Prairie Clover, White Prairie Clover, Round Headed Dalea, Round Headed Clover Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Dalea nana Dwarf Prairie Clover, Dwarf Dalea Perennial Shrub
Dalea nana var. carnescens Dwarf Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea obovata Pussyfoot Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Dalea phleoides var. microphylla Slimspike Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub
Dalea pinnata Summer Farewell Perennial Herb
Dalea pogonathera Bearded Prairie Clover, Bearded Dalea Perennial Herb
Dalea pulchra Pretty Dalea, Bush Dalea, Santa Catalina Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub Sun, Part-shade
Dalea purpurea Purple Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Dalea purpurea var. purpurea Purple Prairie Clover, Violet Prairie Clover Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Dalea tenuis Pinkglobe Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub
Dalea villosa Silky Prairie Clover Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Dalea villosa var. villosa Silky Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Dalea wrightii Wright's Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda Shrubby Cinquefoil, Golden Hardhack, Potentilla Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Delphinium tricorne Dwarf Larkspur, Spring Larkspur Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Echinacea angustifolia Black Samson, Black Samson Echinacea, Narrow-leaf Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Echinacea angustifolia var. angustifolia Blacksamson Echinacea Perennial Herb
Echinacea atrorubens Topeka Purple Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Echinacea laevigata Smooth Purple Coneflower Perennial Herb
Echinacea pallida Pale Purple Coneflower, Pale Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Echinacea paradoxa Yellow Coneflower, Yellow Echinacea Perennial Herb Part-shade
Echinacea purpurea Eastern Purple Coneflower, Purple Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Echinacea sanguinea Sanguine Purple Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Epilobium canum Hummingbird Trumpet, California Fuchsia, Zauschneria Perennial Subshrub
Ericameria nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush, Gray Rabbitbrush Perennial Shrub Dry
Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia Fleabane, Fleabane Daisy Biennial Herb Part-shade
Erigeron strigosus Prairie Fleabane, Daisy Fleabane, Common Eastern Fleabane Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb Sun
Eriogonum abertianum Abert's Buckwheat, Abert's Wild Buckwheat Annual Herb
Eriogonum acaule Singlestem Buckwheat, Pointed Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum annuum Annual Buckwheat, Annual Wild Buckwheat, Umbrella Plant Annual Herb Sun Dry
Eriogonum arborescens Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat, Santa Cruz Island Wild Buckwheat Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Eriogonum caespitosum Matted Buckwheat, Mat Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Eriogonum compositum Arrowleaf Buckwheat, Arrow-leaf Wild Buckwheat, Northern Buckwheat Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Eriogonum crocatum Conejo Buckwheat, Saffron Buckwheat, Saffron Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Eriogonum davidsonii Davidson's Buckwheat, Davidson's Wild Buckwheat Annual Herb
Eriogonum desertorum Great Basin Desert Buckwheat, Great Basin Desert Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum douglasii Douglas' Buckwheat Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Eriogonum fasciculatum Eastern Mojave Buckwheat, Eastern Mojave Wild Buckwheat, California Buckwheat, Flattop Buckwheat, Flat-top Buckwheat Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium Eastern Mojave Buckwheat, Mojave Buckwheat, Flattop Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Eriogonum flavum Alpine Golden Buckwheat, Yellow Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub Dry
Eriogonum flavum var. piperi Piper's Golden Buckwheat Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Eriogonum giganteum St. Catherine's Lace Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Eriogonum grande var. rubescens San Miguel Island Buckwheat, Redflower Pacific Island Wild Buckwheat , Redflower Buckwheat, Large Redflower Buckwheat Perennial Shrub
Eriogonum heracleoides Parsnip-flower Buckwheat, Wyeth's Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Eriogonum inflatum Desert Trumpet, Indian Pipeweed, Bladderstem, Bottle Stopper Annual Herb Sun Dry
Eriogonum jamesii James' Buckwheat, James' Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Eriogonum kingii Ruby Mountain Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Eriogonum longifolium Longleaf Buckwheat, Longleaf Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum longifolium var. longifolium Longleaf Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum multiflorum Wild Buckwheat, Heart-sepal Buckwheat, Heart-sepal Wild Buckwheat Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Eriogonum nealleyi Irion County Buckwheat, Irion County Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum niveum Snow Buckwheat Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Eriogonum nudum Naked Buckwheat, Nakedstem Buckwheat Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Eriogonum ovalifolium Cushion Buckwheat Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum Cushenbury Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum parishii Mountainmist Annual Herb
Eriogonum racemosum Redroot Buckwheat, Red-root Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Eriogonum shockleyi Shockley's Buckwheat, Shockley's Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum siskiyouense Siskiyou Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Rock Buckwheat, Spurry Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Eriogonum tenellum var. ramosissimum Tall Buckwheat, Granite Mountain Wild Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Eriogonum thymoides Thymeleaf Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Eriogonum umbellatum Sulphur-flower Buckwheat, Sulphur-flower Wild Buckwheat, Sulphur Buckwheat, Sulphur-flower Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Eriogonum wrightii Wright's Buckwheat, Bastard-sage, Wild Buckwheat, Perennial Buckwheat, Shrubby Buckwheat, Shrubby Bastard-sage Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Eriophyllum lanatum Common Woolly Sunflower, Oregon Sunshine Annual Herb Sun Dry
Eriophyllum stoechadifolium Seaside Woolly Sunflower Perennial Subshrub
Eryngium aquaticum Rattlesnakemaster, Rattlesnake-master, Snakeroot Biennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Eryngium diffusum Spreading Eryngo Annual Herb
Eryngium heterophyllum Wright's Eryngo, Mexican Thistle Perennial Herb
Eryngium hookeri Hooker's Eryngo Annual Herb
Eryngium integrifolium Blueflower Eryngo, Blue-flower Coyote-thistle Perennial Herb
Eryngium leavenworthii Leavenworth's Eryngo, Eryngo, False Purple Thistle Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Eryngium prostratum Creeping Eryngo Perennial Herb
Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master, Button Eryngo, Button Snakeroot, Beargrass, Bear's Grass Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Eschscholzia caespitosa Tufted Poppy, Tufted-poppy Annual Herb Sun Dry
Eschscholzia californica California Poppy, California Gold Poppy Annual Herb Sun Dry
Eschscholzia californica ssp. californica California Poppy Annual Herb
Eschscholzia californica ssp. mexicana Mexican Gold Poppy, California Poppy Annual Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Eschscholzia glyptosperma Desert Poppy Annual Herb
Eschscholzia minutiflora Pygmy Poppy Annual Herb
Eutrochium maculatum var. maculatum Spotted Trumpetweed, Spotted Joe-pye-weed Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Eupatorium altissimum Tall Thoroughwort, Tall Boneset Perennial Herb
Eupatorium perfoliatum Common Boneset Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Eupatorium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum Common Boneset Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Eupatorium rotundifolium Roundleaf Thoroughwort Perennial Herb
Eupatorium serotinum White Boneset, Lateflowering Thoroughwort, Late Boneset, Late-flowering Boneset Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Euthamia caroliniana Slender Goldentop, Slender Fragrant Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Euthamia galetorum Slender Goldentop, Narrowleaf Fragrant Goldenrod, Narrow-leaf Fragrant Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Euthamia graminifolia Flat-top Goldentop, Grass-leaved Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Euthamia graminifolia var. graminifolia Flat-top Goldentop Perennial Herb
Euthamia gymnospermoides Texas Goldentop Perennial Herb
Euthamia leptocephala Bushy Goldentop, Slender-headed Euthamia Perennial Herb
Eutrochium maculatum var. foliosum Spotted Joepyeweed Perennial Subshrub Sun Wet
Eutrochium purpureum Purple Joepyeweed, Sweet-scented Joepyeweed, Sweet Joepyeweed Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Fragaria virginiana Virginia Strawberry, Wild Strawberry Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Frangula californica California Buckthorn, California Coffeeberry Perennial Tree
Frangula californica ssp. californica California Buckthorn, Coffeeberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Gaillardia aestivalis Lanceleaf Blanketflower, Winkler Gaillardia Perennial Herb
Gaillardia aestivalis var. aestivalis Lanceleaf Blanketflower, Prairie Gaillardia Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Gaillardia aestivalis var. winkleri Winkler's Blanketflower Perennial Herb
Gaillardia amblyodon Maroon Blanketflower, Red Gaillardia, Red Indian Blanket Annual Herb Sun Dry
Gaillardia aristata Common Gaillardia, Great Blanketflower, Blanketflower, Brown-eyed Susan Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Gaillardia arizonica Arizona Blanketflower Annual Herb Sun
Gaillardia multiceps Onion Blanketflower, Gyp Indian Blanket Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Gaillardia parryi Parry's Blanketflower Perennial Herb
Gaillardia pinnatifida Red Dome Blanketflower, Yellow Gaillardia, Blanket Flower Perennial Herb Sun
Gaillardia pulchella Indian Blanket, Firewheel, Girasol Rojo Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Gaillardia suavis Pincushion Daisy, Fragrant Gaillardia, Rayless Gaillardia, Perfumeballs Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Geranium maculatum Spotted Geranium, Wild Geranium, Cranesbill Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Gilia achilleifolia California Gilia, California Gily-flower, Showy Gilia Annual Herb Sun
Gilia capitata Bluehead Gilia, Blue-head Gily-flower, Globe Gilia, Blue Gilia Annual Herb Sun
Gilia latiflora Hollyleaf Gilia Annual Herb
Gilia tricolor Bird's-eye Gilia, Bird's-eyes Annual Herb Sun
Glycyrrhiza lepidota American Licorice, Wild Licorice Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Grindelia adenodonta Lonestar Gumweed Annual Herb
Grindelia camporum Great Valley Gumweed Perennial Subshrub
Grindelia decumbens Reclined Gumweed Perennial Herb
Grindelia grandiflora Manyray Gumweed Annual Herb
Grindelia havardii Havard's Gumweed Biennial Herb
Grindelia integrifolia Puget Sound Gumweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Grindelia lanceolata Narrowleaf Gumweed, Fall Gumweed Biennial, Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Grindelia microcephala Littlehead Gumweed, Gumweed Annual Herb
Grindelia nana Idaho Gumweed Perennial Herb
Grindelia nuda var. nuda Curlytop Gumweed Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb
Grindelia oolepis Plains Gumweed Perennial Herb
Grindelia papposa Spanish Gold, Clasping-leaved Haplopappus, Saw-leaf Daisy Annual Herb
Grindelia scabra Rough Gumweed Annual Herb
Grindelia squarrosa Curlycup Gumweed Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb Dry
Grindelia stricta Oregon Gumweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Grindelia subalpina Subalpine Gumweed Biennial, Perennial Herb
Grusonia grahamii Graham's Pricklypear, Graham Dog Cactus, Graham's Club Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Grusonia parishii Matted Cholla, Devil Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Grusonia schottii Dog Cholla, Big Bend Pricklypear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Hedysarum alpinum Alpine Sweetvetch, Alpine Sweet Broom, Licorice Root, Sweetbroom Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Hedysarum boreale Utah Sweetvetch, Boreal Sweet-vetch, Northern Sweetvetch Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Hedysarum boreale ssp. mackenziei Northern Sweetvetch, Boreal Sweetvetch Perennial Herb
Hedysarum occidentale Western Sweetvetch, Western Sweet-vetch Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Hedysarum sulphurescens White Sweetvetch Perennial Herb
Helenium amarum Yellow Sneezeweed, Bitterweed, Yellow Bitterweed, Yellowdicks, Slender-leaved Sneezeweed, Fine-leaved Sneezweed, Yellow Dog-fennel Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Helenium amarum var. amarum Yellow Bitterweed, Yellowdicks Annual Herb
Helenium amarum var. badium Brown Bitterweed, Basin Sneezeweed Annual Herb
Helenium autumnale Common Sneezeweed, Fall Sneezeweed, Autumn Sneezeweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Helenium autumnale var. autumnale Common Sneezeweed Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Helenium autumnale var. montanum Mountain Sneezeweed Perennial Herb Moist
Helenium bigelovii Bigelow's Sneezeweed Perennial Herb
Helenium bolanderi Coastal Sneezeweed Perennial Herb
Helenium drummondii Fringed Sneezeweed Perennial Herb
Helenium elegans Pretty Sneezeweed Annual Herb
Helenium flexuosum Purplehead Sneezeweed, Purple-head Sneezeweed Perennial Herb Sun
Helenium microcephalum Smallhead Sneezeweed Annual Herb
Helenium puberulum Rosilla Annual Herb
Helenium quadridentatum Longdisk Sneezeweed, Sneezeweed Annual Herb
Helenium vernale Savanna Sneezeweed Perennial Herb
Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunflower, Narrowleaf Sunflower, Narrow-leaved Sunflower Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Helianthus annuus Common Sunflower, Annual Sunflower Annual Herb Sun Dry
Helianthus anomalus Western Sunflower Annual Herb
Helianthus argophyllus Silverleaf Sunflower Annual Herb Sun Moist
Helianthus californicus California Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Helianthus ciliaris Texas Blueweed Perennial Herb
Helianthus debilis Cucumberleaf Sunflower, Cucumber-leaf Sunflower, Beach Sunflower Annual Herb Sun
Helianthus debilis ssp. cucumerifolius Cucumberleaf Sunflower Annual Herb
Helianthus decapetalus Thinleaf Sunflower, Ten-petaled Sunflower, Thin-leaved Sunflower, Pale Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Helianthus divaricatus Woodland Sunflower, Rough Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Helianthus giganteus Giant Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Helianthus gracilentus Slender Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Helianthus grosseserratus Sawtooth Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Helianthus hirsutus Hairy Sunflower, Rough Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian Sunflower, Max Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Helianthus mollis Ashy Sunflower, Downy Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus neglectus Neglected Sunflower Annual Herb
Helianthus niveus ssp. tephrodes Algodones Sunflower, Showy Sunflower Annual Herb, Subshrub
Helianthus nuttallii Nuttall's Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus nuttallii ssp. nuttallii Nuttall's Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus occidentalis Fewleaf Sunflower, Western Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Helianthus paradoxus Paradox Sunflower, Puzzle Sunflower, Pecos Sunflower Annual Herb
Helianthus pauciflorus Stiff Sunflower, Prairie Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. pauciflorus Stiff Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun
Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus Stiff Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun
Helianthus petiolaris Prairie Sunflower, Plains Sunflower Annual Herb Sun
Helianthus praecox Texas Sunflower Annual Herb
Helianthus praecox ssp. runyonii Runyon's Sunflower Annual Herb
Helianthus pumilus Little Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus salicifolius Willowleaf Sunflower, Willow-leaved Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus simulans Muck Sunflower, Narrow-leaved Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower Perennial Herb Part-shade
Helianthus strumosus Paleleaf Woodland Sunflower, Paleleaf Sunflower, Woodland Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem Artichoke, Sunchoke Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Helianthus ×laetiflorus Cheerful Sunflower Perennial Herb Dry
Heliomeris multiflora Showy Goldeneye Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Heliotropium curassavicum Salt Heliotrope, Seaside Heliotrope, Quail Plant, Cola De Mico, Cola De Gama Annual Herb Sun Dry
Hemizonia congesta ssp. luzulifolia Hayfield Tarweed Annual Herb
Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon, California Christmasberry, Christmasberry, California Holly, Hollywood Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Holodiscus discolor Ocean Spray, Hillside Ocean-spray, Cream Bush, Mountain Spray Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist
Hydrophyllum appendiculatum Great Waterleaf, Appendaged Waterleaf Biennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia Waterleaf, Eastern Waterleaf, Shawnee Salad Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Hypericum ascyron Great St. John's-wort, Giant St. John's-wort Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Hyptis emoryi Desert Lavender Perennial Shrub
Krigia biflora Two-flower Dwarf Dandelion, Two-flower Cynthia, Dwarf Dandelion Perennial Herb Sun
Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush, Greasewood, Hediondilla, Governadora, Guamis Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Lasthenia californica California Goldfields Annual Herb Sun
Lasthenia glabrata Yellowray Goldfields, Yellow-ray Goldfields, California Sunshine Annual Herb Sun
Layia glandulosa White-daisy Tidytips, White Tidytips Annual Herb Sun
Layia platyglossa Coastal Tidytips Annual Herb Sun Dry
Liatris acidota Sharp Blazing Star, Sharp Gayfeather, Sharp Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Liatris aestivalis Summer Gayfeather, Summer Blazing Star, Summer Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris aspera Tall Blazing Star, Tall Gayfeather, Tall Liatris, Rough Blazing Star, Rough Gayfeather, Rough Liatris, Button Snakeroot Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris aspera var. intermedia Intermediate Rough Gayfeather, Intermediate Rough Blazing Star, Intermediate Rough Liatris, Tall Gayfeather, Tall Blazing Star, Tall Liatris Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist, Dry
Liatris bracteata Bracted Blazing Star, Bracted Gayfeather, Bracted Liatris Perennial Herb
Liatris cylindracea Ontario Blazing Star, Ontario Gayfeather, Ontario Liatris, Dwarf Blazing Star, Dwarf Gayfeather, Dwarf Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris elegans Pink-scale Blazing Star, Pink-scale Gayfeather, Pink-scale Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris elegans var. carizzana Pink-scale Blazing Star, Pink-scale Gayfeather, Pink-scale Liatris Perennial Herb
Liatris ligulistylis Rocky Mountain Blazing Star, Rocky Mountain Gayfeather, Rocky Mountain Liatris, Meadow Blazing Star, Meadow Gayfeather, Meadow Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Liatris punctata Dotted Blazing Star, Dotted Gayfeather, Dotted Liatris, Purples Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris pycnostachya Prairie Blazing Star, Prairie Gayfeather, Prairie Liatris, Kansas Blazing Star, Kansas Gayfeather, Kansas Liatris, Cat-tail Blazing Star, Cat-tail Gayfeather, Cat-tail Liatris, Hairy Button-snakeroot Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Liatris scariosa Devil's Bite, Large Blazing Star, Large Gayfeather, Large Liatris, Savanna Blazing Star, Savanna Gayfeather, Savanna Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Liatris spicata Dense Blazing Star, Dense Gayfeather, Dense Liatris, Marsh Blazing Star, Marsh Gayfeather, Marsh Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Liatris squarrosa Scaly Blazing Star, Scaly Gayfeather, Scaly Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris tenuifolia Shortleaf Blazing Star, Slender Blazing Star, Shortleaf Gayfeather, Shortleaf Liatris, Fineleaf Blazing Star, Fineleaf Gayfeather, Fineleaf Liatris Perennial Herb Sun
Liatris tenuis Gulf Blazing Star, Gulf Gayfeather, Gulf Liatris Perennial Herb
Liatris virgata Wand Blazing Star, Wand Gayfeather, Wand Liatris, Grassleaf Blazing Star, Grassleaf Gayfeather, Grassleaf Liatris Perennial Herb
Limnanthes alba White Meadowfoam Annual Herb
Limnanthes douglasii Douglas' Meadowfoam, Douglas Meadowfoam Annual Herb
Limnanthes gracilis Slender Meadowfoam Annual Herb
Limnanthes vinculans Sebastopol Meadowfoam Annual Herb
Linum lewisii Wild Blue Flax, Prairie Flax, Lewis Flax, Lewis's Flax Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Linum lewisii var. lewisii Prairie Flax, Blue Flax Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Linum sulcatum Grooved Flax, Yellow Prairie Flax Annual Herb
Lobelia siphilitica Great Blue Lobelia Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Lobelia siphilitica var. siphilitica Great Blue Lobelia Perennial Herb
Lomatium ambiguum Wyeth Biscuitroot, Swale Desert-parsley Perennial Herb
Lomatium dasycarpum Woollyfruit Desertparsley, Woolly-fruit Desert-parsley Perennial Herb Part-shade
Lomatium dissectum Fernleaf Biscuitroot, Fernleaf Desert-parsley Perennial Herb Part-shade
Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. daucifolium Desert Biscuitroot Perennial Herb
Lomatium triternatum Nineleaf Biscuitroot, Narrowleaf Desert-parsley Perennial Herb Part-shade
Lomatium utriculatum Common Lomatium, Spring Gold Perennial Herb
Lotus formosissimus Seaside Bird's-foot Trefoil Perennial Herb
Lotus grandiflorus Chaparral Bird's-foot Trefoil Perennial Subshrub
Lotus humistratus Foothill Deervetch, Hill Lotus Annual Herb
Lotus oblongifolius Streambank Bird's-foot Trefoil Perennial Herb
Lotus plebeius New Mexico Bird's-foot Trefoil, Pine Deervetch, Longbract Bird's-foot Trefoil Perennial Herb
Lotus rigidus Shrubby Deervetch Perennial Subshrub
Lotus scoparius Common Deerweed, Deerweed Perennial Subshrub
Lotus wrightii Wright's Deervetch Perennial Herb Part-shade
Lupinus albicaulis Sicklekeel Lupine Annual Herb Sun
Lupinus albifrons Silver Lupine, White-leaf Bush Lupine, Evergreen Lupine Perennial Herb Sun
Lupinus arboreus Yellow Bush Lupine, Bush Lupine, Tree Lupine Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Lupinus arbustus ssp. calcaratus Longspur Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus arcticus Arctic Lupine Perennial Herb Sun
Lupinus argenteus Silvery Lupine, Silver-stem Lupine Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Lupinus argenteus ssp. spathulatus Silvery Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus bakeri ssp. amplus Baker's Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus bicolor Miniature Lupine, Miniature Annual Lupine, Pygmy-leaved Lupine Annual Herb Sun
Lupinus breweri Brewer's Lupine, Matted Lupine Perennial Herb Sun
Lupinus caespitosus Stemless Dwarf Lupine, Dwarf Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus caudatus Tailcup Lupine Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Lupinus concinnus Bajada Lupine, Annual Lupine, Nipomo Mesa Annual Lupine Annual Herb Sun
Lupinus confertus Crowded Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus croceus Mt. Eddy Lupine Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Lupinus densiflorus Whitewhorl Lupine Annual Herb
Lupinus densiflorus var. aureus Whitewhorl Lupine, Golden Lupine Annual Herb Sun Dry
Lupinus diffusus Oak Ridge Lupine, Sky-blue Lupine, Spreading Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus excubitus Grape Soda Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus formosus Summer Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus fulcratus Greenstipule Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus grayi Sierra Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus havardii Big Bend Bluebonnet, Big Bend Lupine, Havard Bluebonnet, Chisos Bluebonnet Annual Herb Sun Dry
Lupinus hirsutissimus Stinging Annual Lupine, Stinging Lupine Annual Herb
Lupinus horizontalis Sunset Lupine Annual Herb
Lupinus latifolius Broadleaf Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus littoralis Seashore Lupine, Seacoast Lupine Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Lupinus longifolius Longleaf Bush Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus luteolus Pale Yellow Lupine, Butter Lupine Annual Herb Part-shade
Lupinus magnificus Panamint Mountain Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus nanus Ocean-blue Lupine, Sky Lupine Annual Herb Sun Dry
Lupinus nootkatensis Nootka Lupine Perennial Herb Sun
Lupinus nootkatensis var. fruticosus Nootka Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus palmeri Bluebonnet Lupine Perennial Herb Part-shade
Lupinus perennis Sundial Lupine, Wild Lupine Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Lupinus perennis ssp. gracilis Sundial Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus plattensis Nebraska Lupine, Dune Bluebonnet Perennial Herb
Lupinus polyphyllus Bigleaf Lupine, Blue-pod Lupine, Meadow Lupine, Bog Lupine Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Lupinus pusillus Rusty Lupine Annual Herb Sun Dry
Lupinus rivularis Riverbank Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus sellulus Donner Lake Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus sellulus var. lobbii Donner Lake Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus sericeus Silky Lupine Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Lupinus sparsiflorus Mojave Lupine, Sand Lupine Annual Herb
Lupinus stiversii Harlequin Annual Lupine, Harlequin Lupine Annual Herb
Lupinus subcarnosus Texas Bluebonnet, Sandyland Bluebonnet Annual Herb Sun
Lupinus subvexus Valley Lupine Annual Herb
Lupinus succulentus Hollowleaf Annual Lupine, Hollow-leaf Annual Lupine, Arroyo Lupine, Succulent Lupine Annual Herb Sun Dry
Lupinus sulphureus Sulphur Lupine Perennial Herb
Lupinus texensis Texas Bluebonnet, Bluebonnet, Texas Lupine, Buffalo Clover, Wolf Flower Annual Herb Sun Dry
Lupinus vallicola Open Lupine Annual Herb
Lupinus versicolor Bluff Lupine, Manycolored Lupine, Varicolored Lupine Perennial Herb Sun
Lupinus villosus Lady Lupine, Hairy Lupine Perennial Subshrub
Lupinus wyethii Wyeth's Lupine Perennial Herb
Lysimachia ciliata Fringed Loosestrife, Fringed Yellow Loosestrife Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Lysimachia hybrida Lowland Yellow Loosestrife Perennial Herb
Lysimachia quadriflora Fourflower Yellow Loosestrife, Narrowleaf Loosestrife Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Lysimachia quadrifolia Whorled Yellow Loosestrife, Whorled Loosestrife, Prairie Loosestrife Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Lysimachia terrestris Earth Loosestrife, Swamp Candles Perennial Herb Moist
Lysimachia thyrsiflora Tufted Loosestrife Perennial Herb Part-shade
Lythrum alatum Winged Lythrum Perennial Subshrub Sun Wet, Moist
Machaeranthera bigelovii Bigelow's Tansyaster, Sticky Aster Biennial Herb
Madia elegans Common Madia, Elegant Madia Annual Herb
Mahonia aquifolium Holly-leaved Barberry, Holly-leaf Oregon-grape Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Dry
Mahonia pinnata Wavyleaf Barberry, Shinyleaf Mahonia, California Barberry Perennial Shrub, Vine
Mahonia repens Creeping Barberry, Creeping Oregon-grape Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist, Dry
Malus angustifolia Southern Crabapple, Narrowleaf Crabapple, Wild Crabapple, Southern Crab, Narrowleaf Crab, Wild Crab Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Malus coronaria Sweet Crabapple, American Crab Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Malus fusca Oregon Crabapple, Pacific Crabapple Perennial Tree Sun Wet, Moist
Malus ioensis Prairie Crabapple, Iowa Crabapple, Western Crabapple, Prairie Crab, Iowa Crab, Western Crab Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Malus ioensis var. texana Texas Crabapple, Blanco Crabapple Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Mentha arvensis Wild Mint Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet, Moist
Mentzelia laevicaulis Smoothstem Blazingstar, Giant Blazingstar, Evening Star, Stick Leaf Biennial Herb Sun
Mentzelia laevicaulis var. parviflora Smoothstem Blazingstar Biennial Herb
Mentzelia multiflora Adonis Blazingstar, Prairie Stickleaf, Blazingstar Biennial Herb
Monarda bradburiana Eastern Beebalm, Wild Bergamot, Horsemint Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Monarda citriodora Lemon Beebalm, Purple Horsemint, Lemon Mint, Plains Horsemint, Lemon Horsemint, Horsemint, Purple Lemon Mint Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Monarda citriodora ssp. austromontana Lemon Beebalm Annual Herb
Monarda clinopodia White Bergamot Perennial Herb
Monarda clinopodioides Basil Beebalm Annual Herb
Monarda didyma Scarlet Beebalm, Oswego Tea, Red Bergamot Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot, Beebalm Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Monarda fruticulosa Shrubby Beebalm, Shrubby Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm Perennial Herb
Monarda lindheimeri Lindheimer's Beebalm, Lindheimer Beebalm Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Monarda media Purple Bergamot Perennial Herb
Monarda pectinata Pony Beebalm Annual Herb
Monarda punctata Spotted Beebalm, Spotted Horsemint, Horsemint Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Monarda punctata var. lasiodonta Spotted Beebalm Annual Subshrub
Monarda punctata var. villicaulis Spotted Beebalm Annual Subshrub
Monarda russeliana Redpurple Beebalm Perennial Herb
Monarda viridissima Green Beebalm Perennial Herb
Monardella lanceolata Mustang Monardella Annual Herb
Monardella linoides Flaxleaf Monardella Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Monardella macrantha Red Monardella, Red Mountainbalm, Hummingbird Mint, Scarlet Coyote Mint Perennial Herb Part-shade
Monardella odoratissima Mountain Monardella, Alpine Mountainbalm, Coyote Mint, Mountain Pennyroyal Perennial Herb Part-shade
Monardella pringlei Pringle's Monardella Annual Herb
Monardella villosa Coyote Mint Perennial Subshrub
Monardella viridis Green Monardella Perennial Subshrub
Nemophila breviflora Basin Nemophila, Great Basin Baby-blue-eyes, Great Basin Nemophila Annual Herb Part-shade Moist
Nemophila maculata Fivespot Annual Herb Part-shade Moist
Nemophila menziesii Baby Blue Eyes, Menzies Baby Blue Eyes Annual Herb Part-shade Moist
Nemophila phacelioides Texas Baby Blue Eyes, Large-flower Baby-blue-eyes, Baby Blue-eyes, Flannel Breeches Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Oenothera albicaulis Whitest Evening-primrose, White-stem Evening-primrose, Pale Evening-primrose Annual Herb Sun
Oenothera biennis Common Evening-primrose, King's Cure-all, Common Evening Primrose Biennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Oenothera brachycarpa Shortfruit Evening-primrose, Short-fruit Evening-primrose, Shortfruit Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Oenothera caespitosa Tufted Evening Primrose, Gumbo Evening Primrose, Gumbo Lily, Fragrant Evening Primrose, Tufted Evening-primrose Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Oenothera canescens Spotted Evening-primrose Perennial Herb
Oenothera coronopifolia Crownleaf Evening-primrose, Crownleaf Evening Primrose Perennial Herb
Oenothera deltoides Birdcage Evening-primrose, Fragrant Primrose, Desert Evening-primrose, Birdcage Primrose, Dune Evening Primrose, Devil's-lantern Annual Herb Sun
Oenothera drummondii Beach Evening-primrose, Beach Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Oenothera elata Hooker's Evening-primrose, Hooker's Evening Primrose Biennial Herb Sun
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima Hooker's Evening-primrose Biennial Herb
Oenothera elata ssp. hookeri Hooker's Evening-primrose, Giant Evening-primrose Biennial Herb Sun Moist
Oenothera engelmannii Engelmann's Evening-primrose, Engelmann Evening Primrose Annual Herb
Oenothera flava Yellow Evening-primrose, Long-tube Evening-primrose, Shortfin Evening-primrose, Yellow Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun
Oenothera fruticosa Narrowleaf Evening-primrose, Narrow-leaf Evening-primrose, Sundrops, Narrowleaf Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Oenothera fruticosa ssp. tetragona Narrowleaf Evening-primrose, Sundrops Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Oenothera grandis Showy Evening-primrose, Largeflower Eveningprimrose, Showy Eveningprimrose Annual Herb
Oenothera heterophylla Variable-leaf Evening-primrose Annual Herb
Oenothera jamesii Trumpet Evening-primrose, Trumpet Evening Primrose, River Primrose Biennial Herb Sun Wet
Oenothera kunthiana Kunth's Evening-primrose Annual Herb
Oenothera laciniata Cutleaf Evening-primrose, Cut-leaved Evening Primrose Annual Herb Part-shade
Oenothera linifolia Threadleaf Evening-primrose Annual Herb
Oenothera macrocarpa Bigfruit Evening-primrose, Missouri Evening-primrose, Fluttermill, Big-fruit Evening-primrose, Missouri Primrose, Bigfruit Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. incana Bigfruit Evening-primrose, Silver Leaf Primrose , Bigfruit Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa Bigfruit Evening-primrose, Fluttermill, Missouri Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Oenothera neomexicana New Mexico Evening-primrose Biennial Herb
Oenothera nuttallii Nuttall's Evening-primrose Perennial Herb Sun
Oenothera oakesiana Oakes' Evening-primrose Biennial Herb
Oenothera pallida Pale Evening-primrose Biennial Herb Sun
Oenothera pallida ssp. runcinata White Sands Evening Primrose Perennial Herb
Oenothera parviflora Northern Evening-primrose Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Oenothera perennis Little Evening-primrose, Sundrops Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Oenothera pilosella Meadow Evening-primrose Perennial Herb
Oenothera primiveris Desert Evening-primrose, Yellow-flower Desert Evening-primrose, Bottle Evening Primrose, Large Yellow Desert Primrose Annual Herb Sun
Oenothera rhombipetala Fourpoint Evening-primrose, Four-point Evening Primrose, Diamond Petal Primrose, Greater Four-point Evening-primrose Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Oenothera spachiana Spach's Evening-primrose Annual Herb
Oenothera speciosa Pink Evening Primrose, Showy Evening Primrose, Mexican Evening Primrose, Showy Primrose, Pink Ladies, Buttercups, Pink Buttercups Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Oenothera tetraptera Fourwing Evening Primrose Annual Herb
Oenothera triloba Stemless Evening-primrose, Stemless Evening Primrose Annual Herb Sun
Oenothera villosa ssp. strigosa Hairy Evening-primrose, Common Evening-primrose, Common Evening Primrose Biennial Herb Sun
Oenothera villosa ssp. villosa Hairy Evening-primrose Biennial Herb
Oenothera xylocarpa Woodyfruit Evening-primrose Perennial Herb
Oligoneuron album Prairie Goldenrod, Prairie Flat-top-goldenrod, Upland White Aster, Stiff Aster, Sneezewort Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Oligoneuron ohioense Ohio Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade
Oligoneuron riddellii Riddell's Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Oligoneuron rigidum Stiff Goldenrod, Hard-leaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist, Dry
Oligoneuron rigidum var. rigidum Stiff Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Opuntia atrispina Border Pricklypear Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Opuntia basilaris Beavertail Prickly Pear, Beavertail Pricklypear, Beavertail Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia chlorotica Dollarjoint Pricklypear, Clock-face Prickly-pear, Pancake Pear, Silver-dollar Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia cymochila Grassland Pricklypear Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Opuntia ellisiana Spineless Prickly Pear, Tigertongue, South Texas Pricklypear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Opuntia engelmannii Cactus Apple, Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia engelmannii var. engelmannii Cactus Apple, Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia engelmannii var. lindheimeri Texas Prickly Pear, Lindheimer's Prickly Pear, Lindheimer Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Opuntia engelmannii var. linguiformis Cactus Apple Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Opuntia fragilis Brittle Prickly Pear, Fragile Prickly Pear, Pygmy Prickly Pear, Brittle Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia humifusa Low Prickly Pear, Smooth Prickly Pear, Devil's Tongue Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia littoralis Coastal Pricklypear, Short Coastal Prickly-pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia macrocentra Purple Pricklypear, Purple Prickly Pear, Long-spined Prickly Pear, Black Spine Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia macrocentra var. macrocentra Purple Pricklypear, Purple Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia macrorhiza Bigroot Prickly Pear, Twist-spine Prickly Pear, Common Prickly Pear, Plains Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia phaeacantha Tulip Prickly Pear, Brownspine Prickly Pear Cactus, Purple-fruited Prickly Pear, Brown-spined Prickly Pear, New Mexico Prickly Pear, Desert Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Part-shade Dry
Opuntia polyacantha Plains Prickly Pear, Hair-spine Prickly Pear, Nopal Peludito Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea Grizzlybear Pricklypear, Oldman Cactus, Grizzly Prickly Pear, Hedgehog Prickly Pear, Mohave Prickly Pear, Grizzly Bear Pricklypear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia polyacantha var. polyacantha Hairspine Pricklypear, Utah Grizzlybear Pricklypear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia rufida Blind Pricklypear, Blind Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Opuntia santa-rita Santa Rita Prickly Pear, Purple Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Opuntia strigil Marblefruit Pricklypear, Marblefruit Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Opuntia ×spinosibacca Spiny Fruit Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Penstemon albidus White Penstemon, White Beardtongue, Red-line Penstemon, Red-line Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon alluviorum Lowland Penstemon, Lowland Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon ambiguus Pink Plains Penstemon, Pink Plains Beardtongue, Gilia Penstemon, Gilia Beardtongue, Sand Penstemon, Sand Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon anguineus Siskiyou Penstemon, Siskiyou Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon angustifolius Broadbeard Penstemon, Broadbeard Beardtongue, Whorled Penstemon, Whorled Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon arkansanus Arkansas Penstemon, Arkansas Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon australis Eustis Lake Penstemon, Eustis Lake Beardtongue, Slender Penstemon, Slender Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon azureus Azure Penstemon, Azure Beardtongue, Sky-blue Penstemon, Sky-blue Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon baccharifolius Rock Penstemon, Rock Beardtongue, Cut-leaf Penstemon, Cut-leaf Beardtongue, Baccharis-leaf Penstemon, Baccharis-leaf Beardtongue Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Penstemon barbatus Scarlet Bugler, Beard-lip Penstemon, Beard-lip Beardtongue, Red Penstemon, Red Beardtongue, Goldenbeard Penstemon, Goldenbeard Beardtongue, Saint Joseph's Staff, Varita De San Jose Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon barbatus ssp. torreyi Torrey's Penstemon, Torrey's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon barrettiae Barrett's Penstemon, Barrett's Beardtongue Perennial Subshrub
Penstemon buckleyi Buckley's Penstemon, Buckley's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon caespitosus Mat Penstemon, Mat Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon calycosus Long-sepal Penstemon, Long-sepal Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon canescens Eastern Gray Penstemon, Eastern Gray Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon cardinalis Cardinal Penstemon, Cardinal Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Penstemon centranthifolius Scarlet Bugler Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon clevelandii Cleveland's Penstemon, Cleveland's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon cobaea Prairie Penstemon, Prairie Beardtongue, Foxglove Penstemon, Foxglove Beardtongue, False Foxglove, Large-flowered Penstemon, Large-flowered Beardtongue, Cobaea Penstemon, Cobaea Beardtongue, Wild Foxglove Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Penstemon confertus Yellow Penstemon, Yellow Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Dry
Penstemon crandallii Crandall's Penstemon, Crandall's Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon cyananthus Wasatch Penstemon, Wasatch Beardtongue, Platte River Penstemon, Platte River Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon cyaneus Blue Penstemon, Blue Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon dasyphyllus Cochise Penstemon, Cochise Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon davidsonii Davidson's Penstemon, Davidson's Beardtongue, Timberline Penstemon, Timberline Beardtongue, Alpine Penstemon, Alpine Beardtongue, Blue Color Mat Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon davidsonii var. menziesii Menzies' Penstemon, Menzies' Beardtongue, Creeping Penstemon, Creeping Beardtongue, Pride Of The Mountains Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon deustus Scabland Penstemon, Scabland Beardtongue, Hot-rock Penstemon, Hot-rock Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon digitalis Mississippi Penstemon, Mississippi Beardtongue, Smooth White Penstemon, Smooth White Beardtongue, Talus Slope Penstemon, Talus Slope Beardtongue, Foxglove Penstemon, Foxglove Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Penstemon diphyllus Two-leaf Penstemon, Two-leaf Beardtongue Perennial Subshrub
Penstemon eatonii Firecracker Penstemon, Firecracker Beardtongue, Eaton's Penstemon, Eaton's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon elegantulus Rockvine Penstemon, Rockvine Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon ellipticus Rocky Ledge Penstemon, Rocky Ledge Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon eriantherus Fuzzy-tongue Penstemon, Fuzzy-tongue Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon fendleri Fendler's Penstemon, Fendler's Beardtongue, Fendler Penstemon, Fendler Beardtongue, Purple Foxglove Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon filiformis Threadleaf Penstemon, Threadleaf Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon fruticosus Bush Penstemon, Bush Beardtongue, Shrubby Penstemon, Shrubby Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon glaber Saw-sepal Penstemon, Saw-sepal Beardtongue, Western Smooth Penstemon, Western Smooth Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon glaber var. alpinus Alpine Saw-sepal Penstemon, Alpine Saw-sepal Beardtongue, Blue Penstemon, Blue Beardtongue, Alpine Penstemon, Alpine Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon gormanii Gorman's Penstemon, Gorman's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon gracilis Lilac Penstemon, Lilac Beardtongue, Slender Penstemon, Slender Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Penstemon gracilis var. gracilis Lilac Penstemon, Lilac Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon grandiflorus Large Penstemon, Large Beardtongue, Large-flower Penstemon, Large-flower Beardtongue, Large-flowered Penstemon, Large-flowered Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon grinnellii Grinnell's Penstemon, Grinnell's Beardtongue Perennial Subshrub
Penstemon grinnellii ssp. scrophularioides Grinnell's Penstemon, Grinnell's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon guadalupensis Guadalupe Penstemon, Guadalupe Beardtongue, White Penstemon, White Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade
Penstemon hallii Hall's Penstemon, Hall's Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon harbourii Harbour's Penstemon, Harbour's Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon havardii Havard Penstemon, Havard Beardtongue, Big Bend Penstemon, Big Bend Beardtongue, Havard's Penstemon, Havard's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Penstemon heterophyllus Bunchleaf Penstemon, Bunchleaf Beardtongue, Foothill Penstemon, Foothill Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon hirsutus Hairy Penstemon, Hairy Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Penstemon humilis Low Penstemon, Low Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon incertus Mojave Penstemon, Mojave Beardtongue Perennial Subshrub
Penstemon jamesii James's Penstemon, James's Beardtongue, James Penstemon, James Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon labrosus San Gabriel Penstemon, San Gabriel Beardtongue, Southern Scarlet Penstemon, Southern Scarlet Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade
Penstemon laetus Mountain Blue Penstemon, Mountain Blue Beardtongue, Western Gray Penstemon, Western Gray Beardtongue, Gray Penstemon, Gray Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon laevigatus Eastern Smooth Penstemon, Eastern Smooth Beardtongue, Smooth Penstemon, Smooth Beardtongue, Eastern Penstemon, Eastern Beardtongue, Hairy Penstemon, Hairy Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Penstemon laevis Southwestern Penstemon, Southwestern Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon laxiflorus Nodding Penstemon, Nodding Beardtongue, Loose-flowered Penstemon, Loose-flowered Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon leiophyllus Smoothleaf Penstemon, Smoothleaf Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon linarioides Toadflax Penstemon, Toadflax Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon lyallii Lyall's Penstemon, Lyall's Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon montanus Cordroot Penstemon, Cordroot Beardtongue Perennial Subshrub
Penstemon multiflorus Many-flower Penstemon, Many-flower Beardtongue, Many-flowered Penstemon, Many-flowered Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon murrayanus Scarlet Penstemon, Scarlet Beardtongue, Red Penstemon, Red Beardtongue, Cupleaf Penstemon, Cupleaf Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon nanus Dwarf Penstemon, Dwarf Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon newberryi Mountain Pride Perennial Herb, Subshrub Part-shade
Penstemon nitidus Waxleaf Penstemon, Waxleaf Beardtongue Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Penstemon oklahomensis Oklahoma Penstemon, Oklahoma Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon ovatus Eggleaf Penstemon, Eggleaf Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon pachyphyllus Thickleaf Penstemon, Thickleaf Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon pallidus Pale Penstemon, Pale Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade
Penstemon palmeri Palmer's Penstemon, Palmer's Beardtongue, Scented Penstemon, Scented Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon parryi Parry's Penstemon, Parry's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon pennellianus Blue Mountain Penstemon, Blue Mountain Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon pinifolius Pine-needle Penstemon, Pine-needle Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Dry
Penstemon pratensis Western Whiteflower Penstemon, Western Whiteflower Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon procerus Littleflower Penstemon, Littleflower Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Moist
Penstemon procerus var. tolmiei Tolmie's Penstemon, Tolmie's Beardtongue, Small-flowered Penstemon, Small-flowered Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon pseudospectabilis Desert Penstemon, Desert Beardtongue, Rosy Desert Penstemon, Rosy Desert Beardtongue, Canyon Penstemon, Canyon Beardtongue, Mohave Penstemon, Mohave Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon purpusii Snow Mountain Penstemon, Snow Mountain Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade
Penstemon rattanii Rattan's Penstemon, Rattan's Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon rostriflorus Bridge's Penstemon, Bridge's Beardtongue, Beaked Penstemon, Beaked Beardtongue, Mountain Scarlet Penstemon, Mountain Scarlet Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon rupicola Cliff Penstemon, Cliff Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon rydbergii Rydberg's Penstemon, Rydberg's Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Dry
Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis Herbaceous Penstemon, Herbaceous Beardtongue Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Penstemon secundiflorus Sidebells Penstemon, Sidebells Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon serrulatus Serrulate Penstemon, Serrulate Beardtongue, Cascade Penstemon, Cascade Beardtongue, Coast Penstemon, Coast Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Penstemon smallii Small's Penstemon, Small's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Penstemon speciosus Royal Penstemon, Royal Beardtongue, Sagebrush Penstemon, Sagebrush Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon spectabilis Showy Penstemon, Showy Beardtongue, Royal Penstemon, Royal Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon strictus Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Rocky Mountain Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade
Penstemon subglaber Smooth Penstemon, Smooth Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon subulatus Hackberry Penstemon, Hackberry Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon superbus Superb Penstemon, Superb Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon tenuiflorus Eastern Whiteflower Penstemon, Eastern Whiteflower Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon tenuis Brazos Penstemon, Brazos Beardtongue, Gulf Penstemon, Gulf Beardtongue, Gulf Coast Penstemon, Gulf Coast Beardtongue, Sharp-sepal Penstemon, Sharp-sepal Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Penstemon teucrioides Germander Penstemon, Germander Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon thompsoniae Thompson's Penstemon, Thompson's Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon thurberi Thurber's Penstemon, Thurber's Beardtongue, Sand Penstemon, Sand Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon triflorus Hill Country Penstemon, Hill Country Beardtongue, Scarlet Penstemon, Scarlet Beardtongue, Heller's Penstemon, Heller's Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Penstemon triflorus ssp. integrifolius Heller's Penstemon, Heller's Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon triflorus ssp. triflorus Heller's Penstemon, Heller's Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon tubaeflorus White Wand Penstemon, White Wand Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon uintahensis Uinta Mountain Penstemon, Uinta Mountain Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon unilateralis Oneside Penstemon, Oneside Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon utahensis Utah Penstemon, Utah Beardtongue, Utah Firecracker, Carmine Penstemon, Carmine Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon venustus Venus Penstemon, Venus Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun
Penstemon virens Front Range Penstemon, Front Range Beardtongue, Blue Mist Penstemon, Blue Mist Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon virgatus Upright Blue Penstemon, Upright Blue Beardtongue Perennial Herb
Penstemon watsonii Watson's Penstemon, Watson's Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon whippleanus Whipple's Penstemon, Whipple's Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub Part-shade
Penstemon wilcoxii Wilcox's Penstemon, Wilcox's Beardtongue Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Penstemon wrightii Wright's Penstemon, Wright's Beardtongue, Wright Penstemon, Wright Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Phacelia bakeri Baker's Phacelia, Baker's Scorpion-weed Annual Herb
Phacelia bipinnatifida Fernleaf Phacelia, Fernleaf Scorpion Weed, Spotted Phacelia, Loose-flowered Phacelia Biennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Phacelia bolanderi Bolander's Phacelia, Flowered Grape Leaf Perennial Herb Part-shade
Phacelia brachyloba Shortlobe Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia calthifolia Calthaleaf Phacelia, Caltha-leaf Scorpion-weed, Caltha Leafed Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia campanularia Desert Bells, Desert Canterbury Bells, Desert Bluebells, Bluebells Annual Herb Sun Dry
Phacelia cicutaria Caterpillar Phacelia, Caterpillar Scorpion-weed Annual Herb
Phacelia coerulea Skyblue Phacelia, Baby Blue Phacelia, Sky-blue Scorpion-weed, Skyblue Scorpionweed Annual Herb
Phacelia congesta Caterpillars, Blue Curls, Fiddleneck Annual, Biennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Phacelia corymbosa Serpentine Phacelia, Serpentine Scorpion-weed, Serpentine Scorpionweed Perennial Herb
Phacelia crenulata Cleft-leaf Wild Heliotrope, Notchleaf Phacelia, Notch-leaf Scorpion-weed Annual Herb
Phacelia crenulata var. corrugata Cleft-leaf Wild Heliotrope, Cleftleaf Scorpion-weed Annual Herb
Phacelia distans Distant Phacelia, Wild Heliotrope Annual Herb
Phacelia dubia Smallflower Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia fimbriata Fringed Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia fremontii Fremont's Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia glechomifolia Pennyroyal Leaf Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia grandiflora Largeflower Phacelia, Large-flower Scorpion-weed Annual Herb
Phacelia hastata Silverleaf Phacelia, Whiteleaf Phacelia Perennial Herb Part-shade
Phacelia hirsuta Fuzzy Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia hydrophylloides Waterleaf Phacelia Perennial Herb
Phacelia integrifolia Gypsum Phacelia, Gyp Blue-curls Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Phacelia laxa Coastal Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia linearis Threadleaf Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia maculata Spotted Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia minor Wild Canterbury Bells, California Bells Annual Herb Sun Dry
Phacelia nashiana Charlotte's Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia parryi Parry's Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia patuliflora Sand Phacelia, Sand Scorpionweed, Blue Phacelia Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Phacelia patuliflora var. austrotexana South Texas Sand Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia patuliflora var. patuliflora Sand Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia patuliflora var. teucriifolia Sand Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia popei Pope's Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia purshii Miami Mist Annual Herb Sun, Shade Moist
Phacelia ramosissima Branching Phacelia Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Phacelia robusta Stout Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia rupestris Rock Phacelia Annual, Biennial Herb
Phacelia sericea Silky Phacelia, Purple Fringe Biennial Herb Part-shade
Phacelia splendens Patch Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia strictiflora var. lundelliana Lundell's Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia tanacetifolia Lacy Phacelia, Lacy Scorpion-weed Annual Herb Sun Dry
Phacelia vallis-mortae Death Valley Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia viscida Tacky Phacelia, Sticky Phacelia Annual Herb
Philadelphus californicus California Mock Orange, Wild Mock Orange, Syringa Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Philadelphus ernestii Canyon Mock Orange, Canyon Mock-orange, Mock-orange Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Philadelphus hitchcockianus Hitchcock's Mock Orange Perennial Shrub
Philadelphus inodorus Scentless Mock Orange Perennial Shrub
Philadelphus lewisii Lewis' Mock Orange, Mock Orange, California Mock Orange Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade
Philadelphus microphyllus Littleleaf Mock Orange Perennial Shrub Sun
Philadelphus pubescens Hoary Mock Orange Perennial Shrub
Philadelphus texensis Texas Mock Orange Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Physocarpus capitatus Pacific Ninebark Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Physocarpus malvaceus Mallow Ninebark, Mallow-leaf Ninebark Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Physocarpus monogynus Mountain Ninebark Perennial Shrub
Physocarpus opulifolius Common Ninebark, Atlantic Ninebark Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Pieris floribunda Mountain Fetterbush, Mountain Andromeda Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Plectritis congesta Shortspur Seablush Annual Herb
Polemonium reptans Greek Valerian, Jacob's Ladder Perennial Herb Shade Moist
Potentilla arguta Tall Cinquefoil, White Cinquefoil, Prairie Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Potentilla arguta ssp. arguta Tall Cinquefoil Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Potentilla canadensis Dwarf Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Dry
Potentilla canadensis var. canadensis Dwarf Cinquefoil Perennial Herb
Potentilla diversifolia Varileaf Cinquefoil Perennial Herb
Potentilla glandulosa Sticky Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Part-shade
Potentilla gracilis Slender Cinquefoil Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun
Potentilla hippiana Woolly Cinquefoil Perennial Herb
Potentilla nivea Snow Cinquefoil, Snowy Cinquefoil, Villous Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Potentilla nivea var. pentaphylla Fiveleaf Cinquefoil Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Potentilla norvegica Norwegian Cinquefoil Annual Herb
Potentilla norvegica ssp. monspeliensis Norwegian Cinquefoil Annual Herb
Potentilla pensylvanica Pennsylvania Cinquefoil Perennial Herb
Potentilla pensylvanica var. litoralis Pennsylvania Cinquefoil Perennial Herb
Potentilla plattensis Platte River Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Part-shade
Potentilla simplex Common Cinquefoil, Oldfield Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Dry
Potentilla thurberi Scarlet Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Shade
Potentilla villosa Villous Cinquefoil, Northern Cinquefoil, Hairy Cinquefoil Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Prosopis glandulosa Honey Mesquite, Glandular Mesquite, Algarroba Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa Honey Mesquite Perennial Tree
Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana Western Honey Mesquite, Torrey Mesquite, Western Mesquite Perennial Tree
Prosopis pubescens Screwbean Mesquite, American Screwbean, Tornillo, Screwbean, Screwpod Mesquite, Twisted Bean, Fremont Screwbean Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Prosopis velutina Velvet Mesquite Perennial Tree
Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata Lanceleaf Selfheal, Self-heal Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Prunus americana American Plum, Wild Plum Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Prunus andersonii Desert Peach Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw Plum, Sandhill Plum Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Prunus caroliniana Carolina Cherry-laurel, Cherry-laurel, Laurel Cherry, Carolina Laurel Cherry Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Prunus emarginata Bitter Cherry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Prunus fasciculata Desert Almond Perennial Shrub Sun
Prunus gracilis Oklahoma Plum Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Prunus havardii Havard's Plum, Havard’s Almond Perennial Shrub
Prunus ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Prunus ilicifolia ssp. lyonii Catalina Cherry, Hollyleaf Cherry Perennial Tree Sun
Prunus maritima Beach Plum Perennial Shrub Sun Moist, Dry
Prunus mexicana Mexican Plum, Bigtree Plum, Inch Plum Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Prunus minutiflora Texas Almond, Texas Wild Almond, Dwarf Plum Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Prunus munsoniana Munson Plum, Wild Goose Plum Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Prunus murrayana Murray's Plum, Murray Plum Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Prunus nigra Canadian Plum, Canada Plum, Red Plum, Black Plum Perennial Tree Shade, Part-shade Moist
Prunus pensylvanica Pin Cherry, Fire Cherry, Wild Red Cherry, Bird Cherry, Pigeon Cherry Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Prunus pensylvanica var. pensylvanica Pin Cherry Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Prunus pumila Sand Cherry Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Prunus pumila var. besseyi Western Sandcherry, Sand Cherry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Prunus pumila var. depressa Eastern Sandcherry, Prostrate Sandcherry Perennial Shrub
Prunus rivularis River Plum, Creek Plum, Hog Plum Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist, Dry
Prunus serotina Black Cherry, Wild Black Cherry, Rum Cherry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Prunus serotina var. eximia Escarpment Black Cherry, Edwards Plateau Black Cherry, Escarpment Cherry Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Prunus serotina var. rufula Chisos Black Cherry, Southwestern Black Cherry Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Prunus serotina var. serotina Eastern Black Cherry, Black Cherry Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Prunus serotina var. virens Southwestern Black Cherry, Southwestern Chokecherry, Black Cherry Perennial Tree Sun Moist, Dry
Prunus subcordata Klamath Plum Perennial Tree Sun
Prunus texana Peachbush, Sand Plum, Peach Bush, Texas Plum, Texas Peach Bush Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Prunus umbellata Flatwoods Plum, Hog Plum, Black Sloe Perennial Tree Dry
Prunus virginiana Chokecherry, Common Chokecherry, Choke Cherry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Prunus virginiana var. virginiana Chokecherry Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Psoralidium lanceolatum Lemon Scurfpea Perennial Herb
Psoralidium tenuiflorum Slimflower Scurfpea, Scurfy Pea Perennial Herb
Psorothamnus fremontii Fremont's Dalea, Fremont Indigo-bush Perennial Shrub
Psorothamnus fremontii var. fremontii Fremont's Dalea, Fremont Indigo Bush Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Psorothamnus schottii Schott's Dalea Perennial Shrub
Psorothamnus scoparius Broom Dalea, Broom Smokebush, Broom Pea Perennial Shrub Sun
Psorothamnus spinosus Smoketree, Smokethorn, Smoke Tree, Indigobush, Smokethorn Dalea, Corona De Cristo Perennial Shrub Sun
Purshia tridentata Antelope Bitterbrush, Bitterbrush, Antelope Brush Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Pycnanthemum albescens Whiteleaf Mountain Mint Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Pycnanthemum incanum Hoary Mountain Mint, Silverleaf Mountain Mint Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Pycnanthemum muticum Clustered Mountainmint Perennial Herb
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Narrowleaf Mountain Mint, Slender Mountain Mint, Common Horsemint Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Pycnanthemum torrei Torrey's Mountainmint Perennial Herb
Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia Mountain Mint Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Ranunculus fascicularis Early Buttercup, Tufted Buttercup, Prairie Buttercup Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade
Ranunculus occidentalis Western Buttercup Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis Western Buttercup Perennial Herb
Ratibida columnifera Mexican Hat, Red-spike Mexican Hat, Upright Prairie Coneflower, Prairie Coneflower, Long-headed Coneflower, Thimbleflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Ratibida pinnata Grayhead Coneflower, Gray-headed Coneflower, Grayhead Mexican Hat, Gray-headed Mexican Hat, Pinnate Prairie Coneflower, Yellow Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rhamnus ilicifolia Hollyleaf Redberry, Holly-leaf Buckthorn Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade
Rhododendron flammeum Piedmont Azalea, Oconee Azalea Perennial Shrub
Rhus aromatica Fragrant Sumac, Aromatic Sumac, Lemon Sumac, Polecat Bush Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rhus aromatica var. serotina Fragrant Sumac Perennial Shrub
Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac, Shining Sumac, Flameleaf Sumac, Mountain Sumac, Dwarf Sumac, Wing-rib Sumac, Black Sumac, Upland Sumac Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Rhus glabra Smooth Sumac Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Rhus integrifolia Lemonade Sumac, Lemonadeberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Rhus lanceolata Prairie Flameleaf Sumac, Flameleaf Sumac, Prairie Sumac, Lance-leaf Sumac, Lance-leaved Sumac, Texas Sumac, Tree Sumac, Limestone Sumac, Prairie Shining Sumac Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Rhus microphylla Littleleaf Sumac, Desert Sumac, Correosa, Agritos Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Rhus ovata Sugar Sumac, Sugarbush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Rhus trilobata Skunkbush, Skunkbush Sumac, Fragrant Sumac, Aromatic Sumac, Scented Sumac, Ill-scented Sumac, Basketbush, Squawbush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Rhus trilobata var. pilosissima Downy Fragrant Sumac, Downy Aromatic Sumac, Pubescent Skunkbush Sumac Perennial Shrub
Rhus trilobata var. trilobata Skunkbush Sumac Perennial Shrub
Rhus typhina Staghorn Sumac, Velvet Sumac Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Rhus virens Evergreen Sumac, Tobacco Sumac, Lambrisco, Lentrisco Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Rhus virens var. choriophylla Mearn Sumac, Evergreen Sumac Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Ribes americanum American Black Currant, Wild Black Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Ribes aureum Golden Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ribes aureum var. villosum Clove Currant, Golden Currant, Buffalo Currant, Missouri Currant Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Ribes bracteosum Stink Currant Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Ribes cereum Wax Currant, White Squaw Currant, Western Red Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ribes cynosbati Eastern Prickly Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Ribes divaricatum Spreading Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Ribes glandulosum Skunk Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Ribes hirtellum Hairystem Gooseberry, Hairy-stem Gooseberry, Northern Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ribes hudsonianum Northern Black Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Ribes indecorum Whiteflower Currant Perennial Shrub
Ribes lacustre Prickly Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Ribes laxiflorum Trailing Black Currant Perennial Shrub, Vine Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Ribes leptanthum Trumpet Gooseberry Perennial Shrub
Ribes lobbii Gummy Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Ribes malvaceum Chaparral Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade
Ribes menziesii Canyon Gooseberry, Chaparral Currant Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ribes mescalerium Mescalero Currant Perennial Shrub
Ribes missouriense Missouri Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Ribes oxyacanthoides Canadian Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ribes rotundifolium Appalachian Gooseberry, Wild Gooseberry, Round-leaf Currant Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ribes sanguineum Redflower Currant, Blood Currant, Pink-flowered Currant, Red Flowering Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ribes speciosum Fuchsia Flowering Currant, Fuchsia-flowered Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Ribes triste Red Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Ribes viburnifolium Evergreen Currant, Catalina Currant, Santa Catalina Currant, Island Gooseberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Ribes viscosissimum Sticky Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Robinia hispida Bristly Locust, Standing Sweet Pea Perennial Shrub Sun
Robinia neomexicana New Mexico Locust, Southwestern Locust, Hojalito Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust Perennial Tree Sun Moist, Dry
Robinia viscosa Clammy Locust Perennial Tree
Rosa acicularis Prickly Rose, Wild Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Rosa acicularis ssp. sayi Prickly Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Rosa arkansana Prairie Rose, Arkansas Rose Perennial Subshrub Sun Moist, Dry
Rosa arkansana var. suffulta Prairie Rose, Sunshine Rose Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Rosa blanda Smooth Rose, Early Wild Rose Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Rosa blanda var. blanda Smooth Rose Perennial Shrub
Rosa blanda var. glabra Smooth Rose Perennial Shrub
Rosa californica California Wildrose, California Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet
Rosa carolina Carolina Rose, Pasture Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Rosa carolina var. carolina Carolina Rose Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rosa foliolosa White Prairie Rose, Leafy Rose Perennial Subshrub Sun, Part-shade
Rosa gymnocarpa Dwarf Rose Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rosa nitida Shining Rose Perennial Shrub
Rosa nutkana Nootka Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rosa palustris Swamp Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Rosa pisocarpa Cluster Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rosa setigera Climbing Prairie Rose, Climbing Rose, Prairie Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rosa setigera var. tomentosa Climbing Rose, Illinois Rose Perennial Shrub Sun
Rosa stellata Desert Rose Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Rosa virginiana Virginia Rose Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rosa virginiana var. virginiana Virginia Rose Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Rosa woodsii Woods' Rose, Western Wild Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rosa woodsii var. ultramontana Woods' Rose, Arizona Wild Rose Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Rubus adjacens Peaty Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus allegheniensis Allegheny Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus allegheniensis var. allegheniensis Allegheny Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus allegheniensis var. gravesii Graves' Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus alumnus Oldfield Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Part-shade
Rubus arcticus Arctic Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus arcticus ssp. acaulis Dwarf Raspberry Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Dry
Rubus arcuans Wand Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus arenicola Sanddwelling Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus argutus Sawtooth Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus arvensis Field Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus biformispinus Pasture Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus canadensis Smooth Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus chamaemorus Cloudberry, Baked Apple Berry, Bakeapple Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Dry
Rubus cuneifolius Sand Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Part-shade
Rubus deliciosus Delicious Raspberry, Rocky Mountain Raspberry Perennial Vine
Rubus elegantulus Showy Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus flagellaris Northern Dewberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus glandicaulis Glandstem Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus gulosus New Brunswick Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus hispidus Bristly Dewberry, Swamp Dewberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus idaeus American Red Raspberry, Wild Red Raspberry, Red Raspberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus Grayleaf Red Raspberry, Red Raspberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rubus junceus Herbaceous Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus kennedyanus Kennedy's Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus lasiococcus Roughfruit Berry, Dwarf Bramble Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Rubus leucodermis Whitebark Raspberry, Black Raspberry Perennial Vine Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Rubus maniseesensis Mohican Trail Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus montensis Mountaintop Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus multiformis Variable Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus navus Grand Lake Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus occidentalis Black Raspberry, Thimbleberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rubus odoratus Purple-flowering Raspberry, Thimbleberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus ortivus Mt. Desert Island Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus particeps Kingston Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus parviflorus Western Thimbleberry, Thimbleberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rubus pedatus Strawberryleaf Raspberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rubus pensilvanicus Pennsylvania Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus pergratus Upland Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus plicatifolius Plaitleaf Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus provincialis Groundberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus pubescens Dwarf Red Blackberry, Dwarf Raspberry, Dwarf Red Raspberry, Trailing Raspberry, Dwarf Red Bramble, Dewberry, Pigeonberry Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Rubus pubescens var. pilosifolius Dwarf Red Blackberry Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Rubus pubescens var. pubescens Dwarf Red Blackberry, Pigeonberry Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus pugnax Pugnacious Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus recurvans Recurved Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus recurvicaulis Arching Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus regionalis Wisconsin Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus riograndis Rio Grande Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus russeus Halifax Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus segnis Nova Scotia Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus semisetosus Swamp Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus setosus Setose Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus severus Harsh Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry, Salmon Raspberry Perennial Subshrub, Vine Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus tardatus Wet Thicket Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus trifrons Threeleaflet Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus trivialis Southern Dewberry, Dewberry Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rubus ursinus California Blackberry, California Dewberry, Western Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Rubus vermontanus Vermont Blackberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rubus vigoratus Essex Dewberry Perennial Subshrub
Rubus wheeleri Wheeler's Blackberry Perennial Subshrub
Rudbeckia californica California Coneflower Perennial Herb
Rudbeckia fulgida Orange Coneflower, Orange Rudbeckia, Perennial Black-eyed Susan, Goldstrum Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Rudbeckia grandiflora Rough Coneflower, Tall Coneflower, Largeflower Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Rudbeckia grandiflora var. alismifolia Rough Coneflower, Large Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Rudbeckia laciniata Green-headed Coneflower, Greenhead Coneflower, Cutleaf Coneflower, Wild Goldenglow, Sochan Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata Cutleaf Coneflower Perennial Subshrub
Rudbeckia maxima Giant Coneflower, Great Coneflower, Giant Brown-eyed Susan, Cabbage Coneflower Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Rudbeckia nitida Shiny Coneflower, Shining Coneflower Perennial Herb
Rudbeckia occidentalis Western Coneflower Perennial Herb
Rudbeckia subtomentosa Sweet Coneflower, Sweet Black-eyed Susan Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Salix amygdaloides Peachleaf Willow, Peach-leaf Willow, Almond-leaf Willow, Almond Willow, Peach Willow, Southwestern Peach Willow, Wright Willow, Wright Peachleaf Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix arbusculoides Littletree Willow Perennial Tree Shade, Part-shade Moist
Salix arctica Arctic Willow Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Salix arctophila Northern Willow Perennial Subshrub
Salix bebbiana Bebb Willow, Gray Willow, Long-beaked Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix bonplandiana Bonpland Willow Perennial Tree
Salix brachycarpa Shortfruit Willow Perennial Shrub Sun Wet, Moist
Salix calcicola Woolly Willow Perennial Shrub
Salix candida Sageleaf Willow, Sage Willow, Hoary Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain Willow Perennial Tree Part-shade
Salix commutata Undergreen Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix cordata Heartleaf Willow Perennial Shrub Sun
Salix discolor Pussy Willow, Glaucous Willow Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Salix eriocephala Missouri River Willow, Missouri Willow, Stiff Willow Perennial Shrub Sun Wet, Moist
Salix exigua Narrowleaf Willow, Narrow-leaf Willow, Sandbar Willow, Coyote Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix geyeriana Geyer Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Salix glauca Grayleaf Willow Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Salix gooddingii Goodding's Willow, San Joaquin Willow Perennial Tree Part-shade
Salix hookeriana Dune Willow, Hooker Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix humilis Prairie Willow Perennial Shrub Sun Wet, Dry
Salix humilis var. humilis Prairie Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Salix interior Sandbar Willow, Sand-bar Willow Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Salix irrorata Dewystem Willow Perennial Shrub
Salix laevigata Red Willow, Polished Willow Perennial Tree Sun
Salix lasiolepis Arroyo Willow Perennial Tree
Salix lasiolepis var. lasiolepis Arroyo Willow, Tracy Willow Perennial Tree
Salix lucida Shining Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Pacific Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix lucida ssp. lucida Shining Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix lutea Yellow Willow Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Salix maccalliana Mccalla's Willow Perennial Tree Sun Wet, Moist
Salix myricoides Bayberry Willow Perennial Tree
Salix myricoides var. myricoides Bayberry Willow Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun Moist
Salix myrtillifolia Blueberry Willow Perennial Tree Sun Wet, Moist
Salix nigra Black Willow, Gulf Black Willow, Swamp Willow, Sauz Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix pedicellaris Bog Willow Perennial Shrub Sun Wet, Moist
Salix pellita Satiny Willow Perennial Shrub, Tree Shade, Part-shade Moist
Salix petiolaris Meadow Willow Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun Wet, Moist
Salix planifolia Diamondleaf Willow Perennial Tree Sun Wet
Salix prolixa Mackenzie's Willow, Mackenzie Willow Perennial Tree
Salix pseudomonticola False Mountain Willow Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist
Salix pseudomyrsinites Firmleaf Willow Perennial Shrub
Salix pyrifolia Balsam Willow Perennial Tree Sun Wet, Moist
Salix reticulata Netleaf Willow Perennial Subshrub Shade, Part-shade Moist
Salix reticulata ssp. reticulata Netleaf Willow Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Salix rotundifolia Least Willow Perennial Subshrub
Salix scouleriana Scouler's Willow, Western Pussy Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Salix sericea Silky Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix serissima Autumn Willow Perennial Tree Sun Wet
Salix sessilifolia Northwest Sandbar Willow, River Willow, Northwest Willow, Sandbar Willow, Longleaf Willow Perennial Tree Part-shade
Salix sitchensis Sitka Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix taxifolia Yewleaf Willow, Yew-leaf Willow, Yew Willow Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun Moist
Salix uva-ursi Bearberry Willow Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Salix vestita Rock Willow Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist
Salvia apiana White Sage, California White Sage Perennial Shrub Sun
Salvia arizonica Desert Indigo Sage, Arizona Sage Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Salvia azurea Pitcher Sage, Big Blue Sage, Azure Sage, Giant Blue Sage, Blue Sage Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Salvia azurea var. grandiflora Pitcher Sage, Blue Sage Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Salvia carduacea Thistle Sage Annual Herb
Salvia clevelandii Fragrant Sage, Blue Sage, Cleveland Sage Perennial Shrub Sun
Salvia columbariae California Sage, Chia Sage, Golden Chia, Desert Chia, Chia Annual Herb Sun Dry
Salvia dorrii Purple Sage, Gray Ball Sage, Dorri Sage, Desert Sage Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Salvia dorrii var. incana Purple Sage Perennial Subshrub
Salvia engelmannii Engelmann's Sage, Engelmann's Salvia Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Salvia farinacea Mealy Blue Sage, Mealy Sage, Mealycup Sage Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Salvia leucophylla San Luis Purple Sage, Purple Sage Perennial Subshrub
Salvia mellifera Black Sage, California Black Sage Perennial Shrub Sun
Salvia pachyphylla Blue Sage Perennial Subshrub
Salvia sonomensis Creeping Sage Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Salvia texana Texas Sage, Blue Sage Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Salvia whitehousei Clustered Sage Perennial Herb
Scrophularia californica California Figwort Perennial Herb
Scrophularia lanceolata Lanceleaf Figwort, Hare Figwort Perennial Herb
Scrophularia marilandica Carpenter's Square, Maryland Figwort Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Shepherdia argentea Silver Buffaloberry, Buffaloberry Perennial Shrub Sun Moist, Dry
Shepherdia canadensis Russet Buffaloberry, Rabbitberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sidalcea calycosa Annual Checkerbloom Annual Herb
Sidalcea campestris Meadow Checkerbloom Perennial Herb
Sidalcea candida White Checkerbloom Perennial Herb
Sidalcea glaucescens Waxy Checkerbloom Perennial Herb
Sidalcea hendersonii Henderson's Checkerbloom Perennial Herb
Sidalcea hickmanii Chaparral Checkerbloom Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Sidalcea hirtipes Bristlystem Checkerbloom Perennial Herb
Sidalcea malviflora Dwarf Checkerbloom, Dwarf Checker-mallow, Checkerbloom Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Sidalcea neomexicana Salt Spring Checkerbloom, Rocky Mountain Checker-mallow, Prairie Mallow Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Sidalcea oregana Oregon Checkerbloom Perennial Subshrub
Sidalcea reptans Sierra Checkerbloom Perennial Herb
Silphium albiflorum White Rosinweed, White-flowered Rosinweed, Compass Plant Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Silphium asteriscus Starry Rosinweed Perennial Herb
Silphium gracile Slender Rosinweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Silphium integrifolium Wholeleaf Rosinweed, Entire-leaf Rosinweed Perennial Herb Sun
Silphium laciniatum Compassplant, Compass Plant Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Silphium perfoliatum Cup Plant, Indian Cup Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist, Dry
Silphium radula Roughstem Rosinweed Perennial Herb Sun
Silphium simpsonii Simpson's Rosinweed, Tall Rosinweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Silphium terebinthinaceum Prairie Rosinweed, Prairie Dock Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Silphium trifoliatum Whorled Rosinweed Perennial Herb
Sisyrinchium idahoense Idaho Blue-eyed Grass Perennial Herb Shade
Solidago altissima Tall Goldenrod, Late Goldenrod, Canadian Goldenrod, Canada Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Solidago arguta var. boottii Boott's Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago bicolor White Goldenrod, Silverrod Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Solidago caesia Wreath Goldenrod, Blue-stemmed Goldenrod, Bluestem Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Solidago californica California Goldenrod, Northern California Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun
Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod, Canadian Goldenrod, Tall Goldenrod, Giant Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Solidago canadensis var. canadensis Canada Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Solidago canadensis var. gilvocanescens Shorthair Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Solidago canadensis var. salebrosa Salebrosa Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Solidago cutleri Cutler's Alpine Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago erecta Showy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago fistulosa Pine Barren Goldenrod, Hollow Goldenrod Perennial Herb Shade
Solidago flexicaulis Zigzag Goldenrod, Broadleaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Solidago gigantea Giant Goldenrod, Smooth Goldenrod, Tall Goldenrod, Late Goldenrod, Early Goldenrod Perennial Herb Part-shade
Solidago hispida Hairy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago hispida var. hispida Hairy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago hispida var. tonsa Hairy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago juliae Julia's Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago juncea Early Goldenrod, Plume Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Solidago latissimifolia Elliott's Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago macrophylla Largeleaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago missouriensis Missouri Goldenrod, Prairie Goldenrod, Missouri Basin Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun
Solidago mollis Velvety Goldenrod, Velvet Goldenrod, Soft Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun
Solidago multiradiata Rocky Mountain Goldenrod, Northern Goldenrod, Alpine Goldenrod Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Solidago multiradiata var. multiradiata Rocky Mountain Goldenrod Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Solidago nemoralis Gray Goldenrod, Prairie Goldenrod, Oldfield Goldenrod, Grayleaf Goldenrod, Gray-leaved Goldenrod, Dyersweed Goldenrod, Dwarf Goldenrod, Field Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Solidago nemoralis var. longipetiolata Gray Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago nemoralis var. nemoralis Gray Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago odora Anisescented Goldenrod, Anise-scented Goldenrod, Sweet Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Solidago odora var. odora Anisescented Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago patula Roundleaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Solidago petiolaris Downy Ragged Goldenrod, Downy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago pinetorum Small's Goldenrod, Early Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago puberula Downy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago puberula var. puberula Downy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago radula Western Rough Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago rugosa Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, Wrinkle-leaf Goldenrod, Rough-leaved Goldenrod, Roughleaf Goldenrod, Rough-stemmed Goldenrod, Roughstem Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Solidago rugosa ssp. rugosa Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago rugosa var. villosa Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago sciaphila Shadowy Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago sempervirens Seaside Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Solidago sempervirens var. mexicana Seaside Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago sempervirens var. sempervirens Seaside Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Solidago simplex Mt. Albert Goldenrod, Narrow Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago simplex ssp. randii Rand's Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago simplex var. nana Dwarf Goldenrod Perennial Herb Dry
Solidago simplex var. racemosa Rand's Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago simplex var. spathulata Mt. Albert Goldenrod Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Solidago speciosa Showy Goldenrod, Noble Goldenrod Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Solidago squarrosa Stout Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago tortifolia Twistleaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago uliginosa Bog Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago uliginosa var. linoides Bog Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago uliginosa var. terrae-novae Bog Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago uliginosa var. uliginosa Bog Goldenrod Perennial Herb Part-shade
Solidago ulmifolia Elmleaf Goldenrod, Elm-leaved Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Solidago ulmifolia var. ulmifolia Elmleaf Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago velutina Threenerve Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago wrightii Wright's Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago ×asperula Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Sorbus americana American Mountain Ash, American Mountain-ash Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sphaeralcea ambigua Desert Globemallow, Apricot Globe-mallow, Desert Mallow, Globe Mallow, Apricot Mallow Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Sphaeralcea angustifolia Narrowleaf Globemallow, Copper Globemallow, Copper Mallow Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Sphaeralcea coccinea Scarlet Globemallow, Caliche Globemallow Biennial Shrub Sun Dry
Sphaeralcea coulteri Coulter's Globemallow Annual Subshrub
Sphaeralcea fendleri Fendler's Globemallow Perennial Subshrub
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia Gooseberryleaf Globemallow, Current-leaf Globe-mallow, Gooseberry-leaf Globe-mallow Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Sphaeralcea hastulata Spear Globemallow Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Sphaeralcea incana Gray Globemallow Perennial Subshrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sphaeralcea laxa Caliche Globemallow Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Sphaeralcea leptophylla Scaly Globemallow Perennial Subshrub
Sphaeralcea lindheimeri Woolly Globemallow Perennial Subshrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sphaeralcea munroana Munro's Globemallow, White-stem Globe-mallow Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Sphaeralcea parvifolia Smallflower Globemallow, Small-leaf Globe-mallow Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Spiraea alba White Meadowsweet Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Spiraea alba var. latifolia White Meadowsweet, Meadowsweet Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Spiraea betulifolia White Spirea Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Spiraea corymbosa Shinyleaf Meadowsweet Perennial Shrub
Spiraea douglasii Rose Spirea, Western Spiraea, Hardhack Spiraea Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Spiraea douglasii var. douglasii Rose Spirea Perennial Shrub Sun Wet
Spiraea lucida Shinyleaf Spirea Perennial Shrub Sun
Spiraea septentrionalis Northern Meadowsweet Perennial Shrub
Spiraea splendens Rose Meadowsweet, Subalpine Spiraea Perennial Shrub
Spiraea splendens var. splendens Rose Meadowsweet, Subalpine Spiraea Perennial Shrub Sun Wet
Spiraea stevenii Beauverd Spirea, Alaska Spiraea Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Spiraea tomentosa Steeplebush Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Stephanomeria exigua Small Wirelettuce Annual Herb
Stephanomeria minor var. minor Narrowleaf Wirelettuce Perennial Herb
Stephanomeria parryi Parry's Wirelettuce Perennial Herb
Stephanomeria pauciflora Brownplume Wirelettuce, Brown-plume Desert Straw, Fewflower Wirelettuce, Prairie Skeletonplant Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Stephanomeria thurberi Thurber's Wirelettuce Perennial Herb
Stephanomeria wrightii Wright's Wirelettuce Perennial Herb
Symphoricarpos mollis Creeping Snowberry Perennial Subshrub Dry
Symphoricarpos occidentalis Western Snowberry, Wolfberry Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Coralberry, Indian Currant, Buckbrush Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Symphyotrichum anticostense Anticosti Island Aster Perennial Herb Moist
Symphyotrichum ascendens Western Aster, Western American-aster, Purple Aster, Pacific Aster Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Symphyotrichum boreale Northern Bog Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum chilense Pacific Aster, Common California Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum chilense var. chilense Pacific Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum ciliatum Rayless Alkali Aster, Alkali American-aster, Rayless Aster Annual Herb Sun Moist
Symphyotrichum ciliolatum Lindley's Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Symphyotrichum cordifolium Broad-leaved Aster, Common Blue Wood Aster, Heartleaf Aster Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Symphyotrichum divaricatum Southern Annual Saltmarsh Aster, Lawn American-aster, White Wood Aster, Saltmarsh Aster, Slender Aster Annual Herb Part-shade Moist
Symphyotrichum drummondii var. drummondii Drummond's Aster, Arrow Aster Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Symphyotrichum drummondii var. texanum Drummond's Aster, Texas Aster Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Symphyotrichum dumosum Rice Button Aster, White Bushy Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum dumosum var. dumosum Rice Button Aster, Bushy Aster Perennial Herb Sun
Symphyotrichum ericoides White Heath Aster, Heath Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Symphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoides White Heath Aster, Heath Aster, White Aster, White Prairie Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Symphyotrichum falcatum var. falcatum White Prairie Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Symphyotrichum foliaceum Alpine Leafy-bract Aster, Leafy Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. foliaceum Alpine Leafybract Aster, Leafy Aster Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Symphyotrichum grandiflorum Largeflower Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Blue Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Symphyotrichum laeve var. laeve Smooth Blue Aster, Smooth Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum ssp. hesperium White Panicle Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum ssp. lanceolatum White Panicle Aster, Panicled Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium White Panicle Aster Perennial Herb Part-shade
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hirsuticaule White Panicle Aster Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. lanceolatum White Panicle Aster Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum Calico Aster Perennial Herb Sun
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. lateriflorum Calico Aster Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. tenuipes Calico Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum lowrieanum Lowrie's Blue Wood Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England Aster, New England American-aster Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii New York Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii var. novi-belgii New York Aster Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii var. villicaule Hairy New York Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Aromatic Aster, Aromatic American Aster, Fall Aster, Wild Blue Aster, Shale Aster Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense Skyblue Aster, Sky Blue American-aster, Azure Aster, Blue Devils Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense var. oolentangiense Skyblue Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum patens var. patens Spreading Aster, Late Purple Aster, Spread-leaf Aster, Sky-drop Aster Perennial Herb Shade
Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum Hairy White Oldfield Aster, Frost Aster Perennial Herb Sun
Symphyotrichum praealtum Willowleaf Aster Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Symphyotrichum praealtum var. praealtum Willowleaf Aster, Tall Aster Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Symphyotrichum pratense Barrens Silky Aster, Meadow Aster Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides Crookedstem Aster, Crooked-stem Aster Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade
Symphyotrichum puniceum Purplestem Aster, Purple-stemmed Aster Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Symphyotrichum puniceum var. puniceum Purplestem Aster, Red-stem Aster, Swamp Aster Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Symphyotrichum racemosum Smooth White Oldfield Aster, Small-flower White Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum sericeum Western Silver Aster, Western Silver American-aster, Silky Aster Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Symphyotrichum shortii Short's Aster Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Symphyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum Western Mountain Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum subspicatum Douglas Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum subulatum Eastern Annual Saltmarsh Aster, Baby's Breath Aster, Annual Aster, Blackland Aster, Hierba Del Marrano Annual, Biennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Symphyotrichum tenuifolium Perennial Saltmarsh Aster, Saltmarsh Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum tradescantii Shore Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum undulatum Wavyleaf Aster Perennial Herb Dry
Symphyotrichum urophyllum White Arrowleaf Aster Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Thymophylla pentachaeta Parralena, Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf, Five-needle Fetid Marigold Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Thymophylla pentachaeta var. belenidium Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Thymophylla pentachaeta var. pentachaeta Parralena, Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf, Dogweed, Dyssodia Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun
Tilia americana American Basswood, American Linden, Lime Tree, Bee Tree Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Tilia americana var. americana American Basswood, Linn, American Linden, White Basswood Perennial Tree
Tilia americana var. caroliniana Carolina Basswood, Florida Basswood, Small-leaved Basswood, Downy Basswood, Carolina Linden, Florida Linden, Small-leaved Linden, Downy Linden Perennial Tree
Tilia americana var. heterophylla American Basswood, White Basswood, Linden Perennial Tree Part-shade
Tradescantia bracteata Bracted Spiderwort, Long-bract Spiderwort Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Tradescantia brevifolia Trans-Pecos Spiderwort Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist, Dry
Tradescantia edwardsiana Plateau Spiderwort, Edwards' Spiderwort Perennial Herb Part-shade
Tradescantia ernestiana Ernest's Spiderwort Perennial Herb
Tradescantia gigantea Giant Spiderwort Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Tradescantia hirsuticaulis Hairystem Spiderwort, Hairy-stem Spiderwort, Hairy-stemmed Spiderwort Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Tradescantia hirsutiflora Hairyflower Spiderwort Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Tradescantia humilis Texas Spiderwort Perennial Herb
Tradescantia occidentalis Prairie Spiderwort, Western Spiderwort, Spiderwort Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Tradescantia ohiensis Ohio Spiderwort, Bluejacket Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Tradescantia pedicellata Edwards Plateau Spiderwort, Granite Spiderwort Perennial Herb
Tradescantia pinetorum Pinewoods Spiderwort, Pine Spiderwort Perennial Herb
Tradescantia subacaulis Stemless Spiderwort Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Tradescantia subaspera Zigzag Spiderwort Perennial Herb
Tradescantia tharpii Tharp's Spiderwort, Dwarf Spiderwort Perennial Herb Part-shade
Tradescantia virginiana Virginia Spiderwort, Spider Lily Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Trichostema dichotomum Forked Bluecurls, Blue Curls Annual Herb Sun Dry
Trichostema lanatum Woolly Bluecurls, Romero Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Trichostema lanceolatum Vinegarweed, Vinegar Weed Annual Herb
Trifolium fucatum Bull Clover Annual Herb
Trifolium willdenovii Tomcat Clover Annual Herb
Triteleia laxa Ithuriel's Spear, Wally Basket, Grass Nut Perennial Herb
Vaccinium angustifolium Lowbush Blueberry, Late Lowbush Blueberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vaccinium arboreum Farkleberry, Tree Sparkleberry, Sparkleberry, Winter Huckleberry, Huckleberry Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Vaccinium boreale Northern Blueberry Perennial Subshrub Sun Moist
Vaccinium cespitosum Dwarf Bilberry, Dwarf Blueberry, Dwarf Huckleberry Perennial Shrub Sun
Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Vaccinium crassifolium Creeping Blueberry Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Vaccinium darrowii Darrow's Blueberry, Evergreen Blueberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Vaccinium deliciosum Cascade Bilberry, Cascades Blueberry Perennial Subshrub
Vaccinium elliottii Elliott's Blueberry, Mayberry Perennial Shrub
Vaccinium fuscatum Black Highbush Blueberry Perennial Shrub
Vaccinium macrocarpon Cranberry, Large Cranberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Vaccinium membranaceum Thinleaf Huckleberry, Square-twig Blueberry, Mountain Huckleberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Vaccinium myrsinites Shiny Blueberry, Evergreen Blueberry Perennial Shrub
Vaccinium myrtilloides Velvetleaf Huckleberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Vaccinium ovalifolium Oval-leaf Blueberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade Wet, Moist
Vaccinium ovatum California Huckleberry, Evergreen Blueberry, Evergreen Huckleberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vaccinium oxycoccos Small Cranberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Vaccinium pallidum Blue Ridge Blueberry, Early Lowbush Blueberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vaccinium parvifolium Red Huckleberry, Red Blueberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vaccinium scoparium Grouse Whortleberry, Grouseberry Perennial Subshrub Shade
Vaccinium stamineum Deerberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vaccinium uliginosum Bog Blueberry, Alpine Blueberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Vaccinium vitis-idaea Lingonberry, Northern Mountain-cranberry, Cowberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. minus Northern Mountain Cranberry Perennial Subshrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Verbena halei Texas Vervain, Slender Verbena, Texas Verbena, Slender Vervain Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Verbena hastata Swamp Verbena, Blue Verbena, Blue Vervain, Simpler's Joy Biennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Verbena hastata var. hastata Swamp Verbena, Blue Vervain Biennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Verbena macdougalii Macdougal Verbena, Hillside Verbena Perennial Herb
Verbena stricta Hoary Verbena, Hoary Vervain, Tall Vervain, Woolly Verbena Annual Herb Sun Dry
Verbesina alternifolia Wingstem, Yellow Ironweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Verbesina encelioides Cowpen Daisy, Golden Crownbeard, Butter Daisy Annual Herb Sun Dry
Verbesina encelioides ssp. encelioides Cowpen Daisy, Golden Crownbeard Annual Herb
Verbesina helianthoides Gravelweed Perennial Herb
Verbesina lindheimeri Lindheimer's Crownbeard Perennial Herb
Verbesina microptera Texas Crownbeard Perennial Herb
Verbesina nana Dwarf Crownbeard Perennial Herb
Verbesina occidentalis Yellow Crownbeard, Small Yellow Crownbeard, Crownbeard Perennial Herb
Verbesina oreophila Mountain Crownbeard Perennial Herb
Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White Crownbeard, Iceplant, Iceweed, Virginia Crownbeard, Indian Tobacco, Richweed, Squawweed Biennial, Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vernonia baldwinii Western Ironweed, Baldwin's Ironweed, Ironweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Vernonia fasciculata Prairie Ironweed, Common Ironweed Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Vernonia gigantea Giant Ironweed, Tall Ironweed Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Vernonia gigantea ssp. gigantea Giant Ironweed, Tall Ironweed Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Wet
Vernonia larseniae Larsen's Ironweed Perennial Herb
Vernonia lindheimeri Woolly Ironweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Vernonia marginata Plains Ironweed Perennial Herb
Vernonia missurica Missouri Ironweed Perennial Herb
Vernonia noveboracensis New York Ironweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Vernonia texana Texas Ironweed Perennial Herb
Vernonia ×guadalupensis Ironweed Perennial Herb
Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's Root Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Viburnum dentatum Southern Arrowwood Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Viburnum opulus European Cranberrybush Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Viburnum prunifolium Blackhaw, Smooth Blackhaw, Blackhaw Viburnum, Smooth Blackhaw Viburnum, Stagbush Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Vicia americana American Vetch, American Deervetch Perennial Vine Sun
Vicia americana ssp. americana American Vetch Perennial Vine
Zinnia acerosa Desert Zinnia, Dwarf Zinnia, Dwarf White Zinnia, Shrubby Zinnia, Southern Zinnia Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Zinnia grandiflora Plains Zinnia, Rocky Mountain Zinnia, Prairie Zinnia, Little Golden Zinnia, Yellow Zinnia Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Zizia aptera Heart-leaved Meadow Parsnip, Heartleaf Meadow Parsnip, Meadow Parsnip, Heartleaf Alexanders, Meadow Zizia, Zizia Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Zizia aurea Golden Zizia, Golden Alexanders Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist