Florida - Central Recommended

Commercially available native plant species suitable for planned landscapes in Central Florida. Visit our Suppliers Directory to locate businesses that sell native plants or seeds or provide professional landscape or consulting services in this state. Visit the Organizations Directory to locate native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations in this state. Special thanks to the Florida Association of Native Nurseries for compiling this list.

Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Aesculus pavia Red Buckeye, Scarlet Buckeye , Firecracker Plant Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Moist
Ageratina jucunda Hammock Snakeroot Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Aletris lutea Yellow Colicroot, Yellow Colic-root Perennial Herb
Alternanthera flavescens Yellow Joyweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Alternanthera maritima Seaside Joyweed Perennial Herb
Ambrosia hispida Coastal Ragweed, Beach Ragweed, Bay Geranium Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Amorpha herbacea Clusterspike False Indigo, Cluster-spike Indigobush Perennial Shrub
Amphicarpum muehlenbergianum Muhlenberg Maidencane, Florida Peanut-grass, Blue Maidencane Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade
Amsonia ciliata Fringed Bluestar, Bluestar, Texas Bluestar Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Andropogon brachystachyus Shortspike Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist
Andropogon capillipes Chalky Bluestem, Wetland White Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade
Andropogon glaucopsis Purple Bluestem, Chalky Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Andropogon glomeratus var. hirsutior Bushy Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Andropogon ternarius Splitbeard Bluestem, Split Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Dry
Andropogon virginicus Broomsedge, Broomsedge Bluestem, Yellowsedge Bluestem, Whiskey Grass, Popotillo Pajon Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Moist
Andropogon virginicus var. decipiens Broomsedge Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Ardisia escallonioides Island Marlberry, Marbleberry, Marlberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Aristida beyrichiana Beyrich Threeawn, Wiregrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade
Aristida purpurascens var. tenuispica Arrowfeather Threeawn, Hillsboro Threeawn, Hillsborough Threeawn Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Aristida stricta Pineland Threeawn, Wiregrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Asclepias humistrata Pinewoods Milkweed, Sandhill Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias lanceolata Fewflower Milkweed, Few-flower Milkweed, Red Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Asclepias tuberosa Butterflyweed, Butterfly Weed, Butterfly Milkweed, Orange Milkweed, Pleurisy Root, Chigger Flower, Chiggerweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed, Eastern Whorled Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Asimina angustifolia Slimleaf Pawpaw Perennial Shrub
Asimina obovata Bigflower Pawpaw, Florida Dogwood , Scrub Pawpaw, Flag Pawpaw Perennial Shrub, Tree
Asimina pygmea Dwarf Pawpaw, Gopher-berry Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Asimina reticulata Netted Pawpaw, Woolly Pawpaw, Hairy Pawpaw Perennial Shrub
Baccharis halimifolia Groundseltree, Sea-myrtle, Consumptionweed, Eastern Baccharis, Groundsel, Groundsel Bush, Salt Marsh-elder, Salt Bush, Florida Groundsel Bush Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Bacopa monnieri Herb-of-grace, Water Hyssop, Coastal Water-hyssop Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Balduina angustifolia Coastal Plain Honeycombhead, Yellow Buttons Annual Herb
Bejaria racemosa Tarflower, Flyweed, Flycatcher Perennial Shrub
Berlandiera subacaulis Florida Greeneyes, Common Greeneyes Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Bidens laevis Smooth Beggartick, Smooth Bidens, Smooth Bur Marigold, Larger Bur Marigold Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Blutaparon vermiculare Silverhead Perennial Herb
Borrichia frutescens Bushy Seaside Tansy, Ox-eye Daisy, Sea Daisy, Sea Ox-eye Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Bursera simaruba Gumbo Limbo, Gumbo-limbo Perennial Tree Sun
Callicarpa americana American Beautyberry , French Mulberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Canna flaccida Bandanna Of The Everglades, Golden Canna Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Capparis cynophallophora Jamaican Caper, Jamaica Caper Tree Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade
Carphephorus odoratissimus Vanillaleaf, Vanilla Plant Perennial Herb
Celtis laevigata Sugar Hackberry, Texas Sugarberry, Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry, Lowland Hackberry, Hackberry, Palo Blanco Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Cephalanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush, Buttonbush, Button Willow, Honey Bells, Honeybells, Honey Balls, Honeyballs, Button-bush Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge Pea, Sleepingplant, Sensitive Plant Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Chamaecrista nictitans ssp. nictitans Sensitive Partridge Pea, Partridge Pea Annual Subshrub
Chiococca alba Snowberry, West Indian Milkberry, David's Milkberry, Cahinca, West Indian Snowberry, Milkberry Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist
Chrysobalanus icaco Icaco Coco Plum, Icaco Coco-plum Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Chrysopsis gossypina ssp. gossypina Cottony Goldenaster Biennial, Perennial Herb
Chrysopsis mariana Maryland Goldenaster, Maryland Golden-aster Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicense Jamaica Swamp Sawgrass, Jamaican Saw-grass, Saw-grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Clinopodium coccineum Scarlet Calamint, Scarlet Wild Basil, Red Savory, Red Mint Shrub, Scarlet Balm, Southern Calamint, Red Basil Perennial Subshrub, Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Coccoloba diversifolia Tie-tongue, Pigeon Plum Perennial Tree
Coccoloba uvifera Seagrape, Seaside-grape, Sea Grape Perennial Shrub Sun
Conoclinium coelestinum Blue Mistflower, Wild Ageratum, Blue Boneset Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Conradina canescens False Rosemary, Wild Rosemary, Conradina Perennial Shrub Sun
Coreopsis gladiata Coastal Plain Tickseed, Coastal Tickseed Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Coreopsis leavenworthii Leavenworth's Tickseed, Common Tickseed Perennial Herb
Crataegus flava Yellowleaf Hawthorn, Yellow-leaf Hawthorn, Summer Hawthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Crinum americanum American Crinum Lily, Seven Sisters, Swamp Lily, Southern Swamp Lily, String Lily, Crinum Lily Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Croton punctatus Gulf Croton Perennial Subshrub
Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon, Eastern Persimmon, Possumwood, Date Plum, Winter Plum, Jove's Fruit Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Distichlis spicata Saltgrass, Coastal Salt Grass, Inland Salt-grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet
Dodonaea viscosa Florida Hopbush, Hopseed Bush, Switch Sorrel, Varnish Leaf, Hopbush, Chapoliztle, Casol Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Dyschoriste oblongifolia Oblongleaf Snakeherb, Twin Flower Perennial Herb
Echites umbellatus Devil's Potato, Rubber Vine Perennial Vine
Eleocharis cellulosa Gulf Coast Spikerush Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Eleocharis interstincta Knotted Spikerush Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Equisetum hyemale Scouring-rush Horsetail, Horsetail, Scouring Rush, Canuela Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Eragrostis spectabilis Purple Lovegrass, Purple Love Grass, Purple Plains Lovegrass, Tumblegrass, Petticoat Climber Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist
Ernodea littoralis Coughbush, Golden Creeper Perennial Shrub Sun
Eryngium aquaticum Rattlesnakemaster, Rattlesnake-master, Snakeroot Biennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master, Button Eryngo, Button Snakeroot, Beargrass, Bear's Grass Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Erythrina herbacea Coralbean, Cherokee Bean, Red Cardinal Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Eugenia axillaris White Stopper Perennial Tree Part-shade
Eustoma exaltatum Catchfly Prairie Gentian, Bluebell Gentian, Western Blue Gentian, Blue Marsh Lily, Small Bluebell, Catchfly Gentian, Seaside Gentian Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Euthamia caroliniana Slender Goldentop, Slender Fragrant Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Ficus aurea Florida Strangler Fig, Strangler Fig Perennial Tree
Forestiera segregata Florida Swampprivet, Florida Privet Perennial Tree
Gaillardia pulchella Indian Blanket, Firewheel, Girasol Rojo Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Gaylussacia dumosa Dwarf Huckleberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine, Yellow Jessamine, Evening Trumpetflower, Poor Man's Rope Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist
Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunflower, Narrowleaf Sunflower, Narrow-leaved Sunflower Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Helianthus debilis Cucumberleaf Sunflower, Cucumber-leaf Sunflower, Beach Sunflower Annual Herb Sun
Hibiscus aculeatus Comfortroot, Big Thicket Hibiscus, Pineland Hibiscus Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Hibiscus coccineus Scarlet Rosemallow, Crimson Rosemallow, Wild Red Mallow, Texas Star Hibiscus Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Hibiscus grandiflorus Swamp Rose-mallow, Pink Swamp Hibiscus, Large-flowered Hibiscus Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Hibiscus moscheutos Crimson-eyed Rose-mallow, Marshmallow Hibiscus Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Hydrolea corymbosa Skyflower, Tall Hydrolea Perennial Herb
Hymenocallis latifolia Perfumed Spiderlily, Perfumed Spider-lily Perennial Herb Shade Moist
Hymenocallis palmeri Alligator Lily Perennial Herb
Hypericum cistifolium Roundpod St. John's-wort Perennial Subshrub Sun
Hypericum hypericoides St. Andrew's-cross Perennial Subshrub
Hypericum tetrapetalum Fourpetal St. John's-wort Perennial Subshrub
Ilex ambigua Carolina Holly, Sand Holly, Possum Holly Perennial Tree
Ilex cassine Dahoon Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Ilex glabra Inkberry, Gallberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet, Moist
Ilex opaca American Holly, White Holly, Prickly Holly, Evergreen Holly, Christmas Holly, Yule Holly Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Dry
Ilex vomitoria Yaupon, Yaupon Holly, Cassina Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ipomoea imperati Beach Morning-glory, Beach Morning Glory Perennial Vine
Ipomoea pes-caprae Railroad Vine, Goat-foot Morning Glory, Bayhops, Beach Morning Glory Perennial Vine Part-shade
Ipomopsis rubra Standing Cypress, Texas Plume, Red Texas Star, Red Gilia Biennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Iris hexagona Dixie Iris Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Iris virginica Virginia Iris, Great Blue Flag, Southern Blue Flag Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Juncus effusus Common Rush, Soft Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet, Moist
Juniperus virginiana var. silicicola Southern Red Cedar, Southern Redcedar, Sand Cedar, Coast Juniper Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Kosteletzkya virginica Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow, Virginia Fen-rose, Saltmarsh Mallow, Seashore Mallow Perennial Subshrub Sun Moist
Lachnanthes caroliana Carolina Redroot, Paint Root Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Lantana involucrata Buttonsage, Button-sage Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Leersia oryzoides Rice Cutgrass, Rice Cut Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Wet
Liatris elegans Pink-scale Blazing Star, Pink-scale Gayfeather, Pink-scale Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris spicata Dense Blazing Star, Dense Gayfeather, Dense Liatris, Marsh Blazing Star, Marsh Gayfeather, Marsh Liatris Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Liatris tenuifolia Shortleaf Blazing Star, Slender Blazing Star, Shortleaf Gayfeather, Shortleaf Liatris, Fineleaf Blazing Star, Fineleaf Gayfeather, Fineleaf Liatris Perennial Herb Sun
Lilium catesbaei Pine Lily, Southern Red Lily, Catesby's Lily Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet, Moist
Limonium carolinianum Carolina Sealavender, Sea Lavender Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Lobelia glandulosa Glade Lobelia Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Lobelia puberula Downy Lobelia Perennial Herb
Lonicera sempervirens Coral Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Woodbine Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist
Ludwigia repens Creeping Primrose-willow, Floating Primrose-willow, Water Primrose Perennial Herb
Lyonia ferruginea Rusty Staggerbush, Dragon Tree, Tree Lyonia, Staggerbush Perennial Tree
Lyonia fruticosa Coastal Plain Staggerbush, Poor-grub, Rusty Lyonia Perennial Shrub
Lyonia lucida Shining Fetterbush, Fetterbush Lyonia, Shinyleaf, Fetterbush, Staggerbush Perennial Shrub Shade, Part-shade Moist
Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum Winged Lythrum, Lance-leaf Loosestrife Perennial Herb
Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia, Evergreen Magnolia, Loblolly Magnolia, Great Laurel Magnolia, Big Laurel, Bull Bay Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Marshallia graminifolia var. cynanthera Grassleaf Barbara's Buttons Perennial Herb
Mecardonia acuminata Axilflower Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Mimosa strigillosa Powderpuff, Sunshine Mimosa, Sensitive Plant Perennial Shrub Moist, Dry
Monarda punctata Spotted Beebalm, Spotted Horsemint, Horsemint Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Morella cerifera Wax Myrtle , Southern Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry, Eastern Bayberry, Bayberry, Candleberry, Tallow Shrub Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Morus rubra Red Mulberry, Moral Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Muhlenbergia capillaris Gulf Muhly, Hair-awn Muhly, Hairy-awn Muhly, Hair Grass, Pink Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist, Dry
Myrsine cubana Guianese Colicwood, Rapanea Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Nectandra coriacea Lancewood Perennial Shrub
Nelumbo lutea American Lotus, Yellow Water Lotus, Yellow Lotus Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Nuphar lutea Yellow Pond Lily, Yellow Cow Lily, Cow Lily, Spatter Dock, Wakas Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Nymphaea mexicana Yellow Waterlily, Yellow Water-lily, Banana Lily, Banana Waterlily, Sun Lotus Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Nymphaea odorata American White Water-lily, Fragrant White Water-lily, Fragrant Water-lily, White Water-lily, Sweet-scented White Water-lily, Sweet-scented Water-lily, Beaver Root Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet
Opuntia humifusa Low Prickly Pear, Smooth Prickly Pear, Devil's Tongue Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Osmanthus americanus American Olive, Devilwood, Wild Olive Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern Perennial Herb, Fern Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Oxypolis filiformis Water Cowbane Perennial Herb
Palafoxia integrifolia Coastal Plain Palafox, Coastalplain Palafox Annual Herb
Panicum amarum Bitter Panicgrass, Beachgrass, Coastal Panic Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist
Panicum rigidulum var. pubescens Redtop Panicgrass, Redtop Panic Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Panicum virgatum Switchgrass, Wand Panic Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper Perennial Vine Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Passiflora incarnata Maypop, Purple Passionflower, Purple Passion Vine, Apricot Vine Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Peltandra virginica Tuckahoe, Green Arrow Arum, Arrow Arum, Green Arum Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Penstemon australis Eustis Lake Penstemon, Eustis Lake Beardtongue, Slender Penstemon, Slender Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon multiflorus Many-flower Penstemon, Many-flower Beardtongue, Many-flowered Penstemon, Many-flowered Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Persea borbonia Redbay, Red Bay, Sweet Bay, Silk Bay, Red Bay Persea, Laurel Tree Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Persea humilis Silk Bay Perennial Shrub, Tree
Persea palustris Swamp Bay, Swampbay Perennial Shrub, Tree
Phlox nivalis Trailing Phlox Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Phyla nodiflora Texas Frogfruit, Turkey Tangle Fogfruit, Frogfruit Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Physostegia virginiana Fall Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead, Virginia Lions-heart Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Pinus clausa Sand Pine Perennial Tree Part-shade
Pinus palustris Longleaf Pine, Georgia Pine, Longleaf Yellow Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Longstraw Pine, Hill Pine, Hard Pine, Heart Pine Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Pinus serotina Pond Pine, Pocosin Pine, Marsh Pine Perennial Tree Sun Wet
Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine, Oldfield Pine, Bull Pine, Rosemary Pine Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Piriqueta cistoides ssp. caroliniana Pitted Stripeseed Annual Herb, Subshrub
Pityopsis graminifolia Narrowleaf Silkgrass, Golden Aster Perennial Herb Part-shade
Pogonia ophioglossoides Rose Pogonia, Snake-mouth Orchid, Beard Flower Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Polygonum hydropiperoides Swamp Smartweed Perennial Herb Sun
Polygonum punctatum Dotted Smartweed Annual Herb Sun
Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed, Pickerel Rush Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw Plum, Sandhill Plum Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Prunus umbellata Flatwoods Plum, Hog Plum, Black Sloe Perennial Tree Dry
Psychotria nervosa Seminole Balsamo, Wild Coffee Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Blackroot, Densespike Blackroot, Fox-tail, Coastal Blackroot Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Quercus chapmanii Chapman Oak, Chapman's Oak Perennial Shrub, Tree
Quercus hemisphaerica Coast Laurel Oak, Darlington Oak, Laurel Oak Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Quercus incana Bluejack Oak, Sandjack Oak, Upland Willow Oak, Cinnamon Oak, Shin Oak, Turkey Oak Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Quercus laevis Turkey Oak Perennial Tree Sun
Quercus myrtifolia Myrtle Oak Perennial Tree
Quercus nigra Water Oak, Possum Oak, Duck Oak, Punk Oak, Spotted Oak Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Quercus virginiana Coastal Live Oak, Southern Live Oak, Virginia Live Oak, Live Oak, Encino Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Rhexia alifanus Savanna Meadow Beauty Perennial Herb
Rhexia mariana Maryland Meadow Beauty, Pale Meadow Beauty Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Rhexia petiolata Fringed Meadow Beauty Perennial Herb
Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac, Shining Sumac, Flameleaf Sumac, Mountain Sumac, Dwarf Sumac, Wing-rib Sumac, Black Sumac, Upland Sumac Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Rhynchospora colorata Whitetop Sedge, White-topped Sedge, Starrush Whitetop, Star Sedge, Star Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Wet
Rhynchospora latifolia Sand-swamp Whitetop Sedge, Tall Whitetop Sedge, Whitetop Sedge, Sand-swamp Whitetop, Tall Whitetop, Whitetop, Colorful Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Wet
Rivina humilis Pigeonberry, Rouge Plant, Baby-peppers, Bloodberry Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan, Common Black-eyed Susan, Brown-eyed Susan, Blackeyed Susan Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Ruellia caroliniensis Carolina Wild Petunia Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palmetto, Cabbage Palm Perennial Tree Part-shade
Saccharum giganteum Sugarcane Plumegrass, Giant Plumegrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet, Moist
Sagittaria graminea var. graminea Grassy Arrowhead Perennial Herb
Salix caroliniana Coastal Plain Willow Perennial Tree Part-shade
Salvia azurea Pitcher Sage, Big Blue Sage, Azure Sage, Giant Blue Sage, Blue Sage Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Salvia coccinea Scarlet Sage, Tropical Sage, Blood Sage, Red Sage, Indian Fire Annual, Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Salvia lyrata Lyreleaf Sage, Cancer Weed Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis Common Elderberry, Black Elder, Mexican Elderberry, Common Elder, Elderberry, Tapiro, Sauco Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Sarracenia minor Hooded Pitcherplant, Hooded Pitcher-plant, Hooded Pitcher Plant Perennial Herb
Saururus cernuus Lizard's Tail, Lizard Tail, Breastweed, Water Dragon Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Scaevola plumieri Gullfeed, Inkberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium Little Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Schoenoplectus americanus Chairmaker's Bulrush, Olney Three-square Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Schoenoplectus californicus California Bulrush, California Club-rush, Giant Bulrush Perennial Herb Sun
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Softstem Bulrush, Soft-stem Club-rush, Great Bulrush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet
Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass, Cottongrass Bulrush, Marsh Bulrush, Teddybear Paws Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet
Scutellaria integrifolia Helmet-flower, Rough Skullcap, Common Large Skullcap, Tall Skullcap Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Sesuvium portulacastrum Shoreline Seapurslane, Sea Purslane, Cenicilla Perennial Vine
Sideroxylon foetidissimum False Mastic, Mastic Tree Perennial Tree Sun
Sideroxylon tenax Tough Bully, Tough Buckthorn Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Silphium asteriscus Starry Rosinweed Perennial Herb
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Narrowleaf Blue-eyed Grass, Narrow-leaf Blue-eyed-grass, Bermuda Blue-eyed Grass, Blue-eyed Grass Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Sisyrinchium atlanticum Eastern Blue-eyed Grass Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Solidago sempervirens Seaside Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Spartina patens Saltmeadow Cordgrass, Salt-meadow Cordgrass, Marsh-hay Cordgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet
Spiranthes odorata Marsh Ladies'-tresses, Fragrant Ladies'-tresses, Marsh Lady's Tresses Perennial Herb
Spiranthes vernalis Spring Ladies'-tresses, Spring Lady's Tresses Perennial Herb
Stylosanthes biflora Sidebeak Pencilflower Perennial Herb
Suriana maritima Bay Cedar, Bay-cedar Perennial Shrub, Tree
Symphyotrichum dumosum Rice Button Aster, White Bushy Aster Perennial Herb
Thalia geniculata Bent Alligator-flag, Arrow Root Perennial Herb Part-shade
Trichostema dichotomum Forked Bluecurls, Blue Curls Annual Herb Sun Dry
Typha latifolia Broadleaf Cattail, Common Cattail Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Wet
Uniola paniculata Sea Oats, Seaoats Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun
Vaccinium arboreum Farkleberry, Tree Sparkleberry, Sparkleberry, Winter Huckleberry, Huckleberry Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Vaccinium darrowii Darrow's Blueberry, Evergreen Blueberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Vaccinium myrsinites Shiny Blueberry, Evergreen Blueberry Perennial Shrub
Vaccinium stamineum Deerberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vallisneria americana American Eelgrass, Water Celery, Eelgrass, Tapegrass Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet
Verbesina virginica Frostweed, White Crownbeard, Iceplant, Iceweed, Virginia Crownbeard, Indian Tobacco, Richweed, Squawweed Biennial, Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Vernonia gigantea Giant Ironweed, Tall Ironweed Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Viburnum nudum Possumhaw Viburnum, Possumhaw Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Viburnum obovatum Small-leaf Arrowwood, Walter's Viburnum Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Viola lanceolata Lance-leaf Violet, Bog White Violet Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Woodwardia virginica Virginia Chainfern, Virginia Chain Fern Perennial Herb, Fern Part-shade Wet, Moist
Ximenia americana Tallow Wood, Tallowwood Perennial Tree
Yucca aloifolia Spanish Dagger, Spanish Bayonet, Aloe Yucca Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Yucca filamentosa Adam's Needle Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Zamia pumila Coontie, Florida Arrowroot Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Hercules Club, Pepperbark, Toothache Tree, Tickle Tongue, Prickly Ash Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Zanthoxylum fagara Lime Prickly Ash, Colima Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Zizania aquatica Annual Wildrice, Wild Rice Annual Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet